Werewolf Altair X Neko Reader

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As requested by NightWolf-Medic. Thanks friend! Sorry this took so damn long you probably forgot you requested this.

What you need to know:

Warnings: None

POV: Third Person

(Y/N)- Your Name

(H/C)- Hair Color

(E/C)- Eye Color

(L/N)- Last Name

(Y/N) was walking around at midnight flipping her tail. She looks up and sees a full moon casting a eerie glow, which could only lead to one thing...

'There's a wolf' She thought, taking out her dagger. It was dead silent other than the midnight wind blowing. That's when she heard something behind her.

She quickly turned around to see someone in a robe like outfit coming towards her. She hissed, only making the thing come at her faster.

She jumped onto a pillar and looked down. The shadow jumped onto a building and threw a knife, hitting her shoulder in the process. She hissed and fell off of the pillar.

The unknown being covered her mouth with his hand and dragged her into a building.

"Don't make a sound!"

The male slowly let go of her and went to find something. (Y/N) woke up with her shoulder bandaged up. She wondered until she felt a sharp pain, holding her shoulder as she hissed.

"Just exactly who are you?!" He shot a glare at the half human, half animal.

"Look, don't make a noise! This will be easier on both of us!" He turned back around and went back to finding the thing he was needing. (Y/N) rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Two questions. One: Are you a part of the Templars?" He questioned, earning a confused look from the girl.

"Who are the Templars?" The man in white raised his eyebrow and proceeded to explain to her the war between the Assassin's and Templars. She stood up and walked towards him.

"And do you know what this is?" He pulled out a glowing, yellow sphere from his back. (Y/N) covered her eyes and yelled.

"No, but can you please put it somewhere else?! That's blinding!" He put it back behind his back when she noticed something: He had a tail.

"You're a werewolf." She stated coldly. He turned his gaze to the (H/C) girl.

"Yes. What does th-" He was cut off when she attacked him with her good arm, but it didn't last long due to him disarming her. He threw her dagger across the room and pointed at her.

"Look! Before you try to kill me, I need your help! Not all werewolves are bad ok?! I need to get the Apple Of Eden to the rest of the Assassin's to spread word about the Templars!" The (E/C) eyed female sighed.

"Like I said, I need your help. Either you can help me and possibly join the Assassins, or you walk out the door and never see me again. Your choice." She instantly knew what she was gonna say. She looked at his eyes, or where they would be since they are covered by his hood and replied.

"I'll help." The hooded figure smirked, revealing his scar across his lip and let go of her wrist.

"The name's Altair by the way..." (Y/N) picked up her dagger and looked at him. "It's Altair Ibn-La-Ahad." Altair lifted his hood to reveal the rest of his face. He's pretty cute, she thought.

"(Y/N) (L/N)" They both smiled at each other.

"That's a pretty name." Altair commented, making (Y/N) blush. They both walked out the hideout in silence until (Y/N) spoke.

"I'm sorry for almost killing you Altair. You're right, not all werewolves are bad." They both stopped. Altair chuckled and put his hood back on.

"Water under the bridge (Y/N). Water under the bridge." They both continued their journey.

'This is the start of something great'


Me: Woo!

Altair: That's pretty good Lilly.

Ezio: It was alright.

Jacob: What, you jealous?

Ezio: NO!

Edward: Aw, I think our Italian womanizer is jealous!

Evie: Shut up would you?!

Me: Whoa take it down ok?! Well, who should be next? Comment bel-


Me: Damnit Auditore!

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