Chapter 1

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Armin had been going down to see Annie every day this week. Eren noticed, but didn't say anything to the others. He had done the same the night Armin had been mumbling her name in his sleep. "I wonder where Armin goes during the evening?" Mikasa said at the dinner table. Eren looked over his shoulder to make sure no one else was within earshot, this was for her ears only. "He goes to see Annie" Eren said in a low voice. Mikasa gasped. "I-I never would have thought" she said blushing "Annie and Armin". Eren rolled his eyes "she reacts like such a girl". "I think it's more of a guilt thing" Eren said "he's the one that put it together that she was the female titan". "You can be so heartless, Eren" Mikasa said. Eren leaned back in his chair. Levi sat down across from Eren. "Tomorrow Zoë will be conducting some experiments with you" he said coldly "you and Mikasa are to report to the courtyard". "Yes sir" Eren said. With that, Levi left the mess hall.

Eren and Mikasa went to bed early. "Goodnight Eren" she said. "Goodnight Mikasa" Eren replied, turning his back. "I wonder what Zoë has planned for tomorrow" he thought, causing him to shudder.

The next day, he met Mikasa at breakfast. "How did you sleep" she asked. "Not well" Eren said "Armin was muttering in his sleep". "What was he saying?" She asked. "U-um" Eren said dumbly. He didn't want to tell her he was dreaming about Annie. "I, uh, couldn't tell" he lied "he was talking really quiet". He took a big bite out of his bread. "What do you think Zoë has planned?" he said with his mouth full, hoping to change the subject. "How would I know" Mikasa said "it's you they're concerned with". "Well I'm glad you can come along" Eren said. Mikasa burrowed into her scarf, blushing hard. Truthfully, it put Eren at ease when Mikasa was around.

The duo headed to the courtyard, where Zoë was waiting for them. "Ah,Eren" she said "are you all ready?". "R-ready for what?" he asked. "We're going to work on your transformation" she purred "I'll be studying it and you'll be working on control and stability". "H-how?" Eren stammered "and why is Mikasa here?". "Your transformation has a lot to do with emotion. You have a lot of trouble transforming, and even when you do you have trouble controlling yourself. A goal would greatly improve your capabilities" Zoë said. "I have a goal" Eren growled "I'm going to destroy the Titans!". "Because that's worked out so well for you" Zoë said sarcastically "which brings me to why Mikasa's here". A pair of scout regiment soldiers came up behind them and subdued Mikasa. "Mikasa!" Eren yelled turning to fight off the attackers. Levi stepped between Eren and them. "Get out of my way" he screamed charging Levi, who knocked him down with a kick. "I've put a lot of effort into keeping you alive and free" Levi said "It's time you learned to control your power". Eren slowly got to his feet. "Eren" Mikasa cried. That was the last straw. He swallowed hard and bit his hand.

There was a flash of light, and Mikasa was released. Her captors backed away in fear. Eren stood fifteen meters high, his musclebound Titan form still steaming. "In hindsight" Zoë sighed "maybe this wasn't such a good idea". Eren roared a fearsome battle cry. "Go to him" Levi said "I know you can get through to him Mikasa". Mikasa nodded and used her 3D gear to bring herself to Eren's shoulder. "Eren" she cried "can you here me!? It's Mikasa! I'm fine! They let me go!". Eren reached his titanic hand over his shoulder and seized Mikasa. He brought her to his eye level, then flattened his hand so she could stand. For once Mikasa was nervous, but at the same time she was surprised. "IT WORKED!" Zoë  celebrated from below. Eren looked down at them and raised a colossal fist. "He's pissed" Levi said calmly "run!". His fist slammed against the ground where they had been, leaving a large indent. "Eren!" Mikasa yelled "stop! You'll hurt them!". He gave Mikasa a look of confusion (as confused as a Titan could look). He brought her back up to his eye level. "Please, Eren" Mikasa said meekly "just let it go". She spread her arms, as if to hug him. However, at this size she could only spread her arms to his cheekbones. Eren closed his eyes and knelt down, Mikasa new he would shed the Titan body now. She climbed over his collarbone and to his neck, so she could help him down. He popped out like normal, but this time he was conscious. "E-Eren?" Mikasa said, puzzled. "Mind giving me a hand?" Eren said calmly "I don't have my gear". "Y-yeah" Mikasa stuttered "hold on tight". Mikasa loved having Eren's arms around her, she swung down to the ground, but she took her time.

They got down to Zoë and Levi and, out of nowhere, Eren all out decked Levi. For the first time Mikasa saw surprise on Levi's face. "That was for hurting Mikasa" Eren snarled "I'd know one of your plans anywhere, Levi". "I......suppose I did deserve that one" Levi said. "Oh, well done Eren!" Zoë said with glee "I knew you could do it, you always perform so well around Mikasa!". Both Eren and Mikasa blushed. Eren scratched his head, and Mikasa shrunk her face into her scarf. "It goes both ways" Levi added "now, go get some lunch, we'll pick it up in a half hour.....Eren, don't let us down. We're placing the fate of humanity in your hands. Whenever you need to transform, don't think about the Titans, think about protecting Mikasa.". Eren and Mikasa were overjoyed to get out of there, they were both red as roses. "T-thank you......Eren" Mikasa said on they're way to eat "f-for.....protecting me". "You don't have to thank me" Eren said "we always protect each other". Mikasa blushed and gave him a shy smile. "Thank you" she muttered.

Armin had been visiting Annie for two weeks now, since he started he's had the dream again twice. "I don't know why I'm doing this" Armin said, standing in front of Annie's crystal and looking at his feet "but I'm still here". Armin looked up at her. "I hope your okay in there" he said. He placed his hand on the face of the clear rock "I hope you get out of there soon he said. He turned around to leave. He opened the door when a light shined behind him. He turned and the light stopped. The crystal splintered at the front, and shattered. Annie fell out and Armin rushed to catch her. One of the shards cut open his cheek, but he payed it no attention. He caught her and gently lowered her to the floor. Her shirt was in tatters because of the shards so Armin covered her with his jacket. He held one arm behind her back, and put his ear to her chest to listen for breathing. He breathed a sigh of relief. She slowly opened her eyes and looked into his. "A-Armin?" She said sleepily, right before she lost consciousness. The guard had been standing behind him the entire time, His weapons at the ready. "Move away from it kid" he ordered. "No way" Armin snapped. "Leave now or I'll use force" He warned. "I'm not going to leave!" Armin yelled. Suddenly he was hit in the back of the head, the last thing he remembered before blacking out was falling on Annie.

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