Chapter 2

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Armin woke up in his bed, a bandage wrapped around his head. Eren and Mikasa sat at the foot of the bed. "Hey, Armin" Eren said softly "how are you feeling?". "My head hurts" Armin complained "How long was I out? Where is Annie?". "You were unconscious all night and most of today," Mikasa said standing up "as for Annie, she's still locked underground". "Damn" Armin swore. What were they going to do with her? Would he get to see her again? Those were Armin's only thoughts. "Have they made a decision?" Armin asked as he got out of bed. "They want her to remain where she is for questioning" Eren said. Armin didn't like the sound of that. "C'mon Armin" Eren said, seeing the look on his face "it's Zoë who's doing the interrogation, she loves Titans". "Annie isn't all Titan" Armin growled "and she killed all of Zoë's friends in Levi's squad". Without saying anything else Armin left the room. Armin headed straight for the underground corridor. Two guards were stationed by the stairs leading down. He begged and pleaded to go down, but they were adamant. "Let him down boys" Zoë said coming up the stairs "I'd actually like to speak with him". "What did you do to her!?" Armin screamed, noticing she had blood on her. "I drew three vials of blood from it, but I accidentally broke one" she said, rubbing the back of her head "never mind that, come with me". Armin followed, he wanted to chew her out but held his tounge. The two of them went down a hallway unfamiliar to Armin. "So Armin" Zoë said "you were the one that was there when the crystal shattered, what exactly happened". "I sat there talking to myself as if I was talking to Annie" Armin said, his voice rough with anger "then I placed my palm on the crystal's rough surface, and said goodbye. When I turned to leave there was a bright light, and then the crystal shattered. I caught her, we spoke and then the guard knocked me out". "You spoke? What about?" She questioned. "She opened her eyes for a few seconds and said my name" he said "then the guard hit me". They finally reached a large iron door, Armin immediately knew she was on the other side of it. Zoë slowly opened the heavy door, rust fell off it as it moved. The room was empty, except for Annie, who was chained against the wall. Armin didn't know what they had done because Annie would have healed by now. The only light was the torchlight from the hall. "Annie?" Armin said, cautiously approaching "are you okay?". She watched him with fear in her eyes. He knelt in front of her and gingerly touched her cheek. She winced, but didn't struggle. *she's shaking* Armin thought *That's right, she has claustrophobia*. "Can I have some time with her?" Armin asked. Zoë rolled her eyes, and went outside. "Annie?" He said gripping her shoulders. "Armin" Annie repeated, regaining her composer somewhat "I-I'm glad your here". "What's wrong?" Armin asked gently "the Annie I knew would never show fear". "I-it was so cold inside the crystal" Annie said "I'm still so cold, and the walls are closing in on me". Armin stood up "I'll be back". "Armin..." Annie said "I was conscious........when you visited me, t-thank you". Armin smiled. "I'll be right back" he said softly.

Zoë stood outside, tapping her foot impatiently. "I request that we move Annie to aboveground accommodations" Armin said politely. "No" Zoë snapped "she is to remain where she is, and you are to return to your room".


"Now, Armin".

He sighed, and did as he was told.

Annie had heard Armin and Zoë talking outside. *He shouldn't be wasting his time on me* she thought *I'm not worth it*. Zoë stepped into the room. "Annie" she said "why don't you tell me what you know about the Titans". Annie stared down at the floor, not saying a word. "C'mon" Zoë said "I heard you talking to Armin". After waiting for a while, Zoë sighed and left, closing the iron door behind her. Annie was slightly more comfortable in the dark, she couldn't see how small the room was that way. She sat there for an unknown amount of time before falling asleep.

She was suddenly woken up by the screeching of the opening door. She looked up at the person who entered the room. Their face was covered by a scout regiment hood. They knelt down beside Annie, who started to panic. "Sshhh" he said, flipping down his hood. "Armin?" Annie said "what are you-?". "Quiet" he whispered "it's after midnight". He slung a bag off of his shoulder. "You got taller" she said. "Yeah, it's been around a year" Armin said "here, I brought this for you". He spread a blanket over her, covering her legs and about half of her torso. "I know you said you were cold" Armin said. She caught his gaze and stared into his eyes. "Uh, I-I think I should-". "Wait" Annie interrupted "s-stay with me......just for a little bit". "O-okay" Armin said. He sat down next to her. "How have things been with me gone?"

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