Chapter 7

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Mikasa took a deep breath, she was about to confront Eren about the other night. She knocked on the door, which was answered by Jean. "Oh hey, Mikasa" Jean said "um, Eren's at the mess hall, I think he wants to fight Daniel". "Thanks Jean" she said, running down the hall.

Jean was right, Eren was at the mess hall questioning Levi about Daniel. "Just tell me where he is damn it!" Eren demanded. "I really don't know, Eren" Levi answered calmly "he's just gone". "That's bullshit!" Eren yelled. "Eren" Mikasa said, placing a hand on his shoulder "just let it go for now". Eren took a deep breath. "Fine" he said, and walked out of the mess hall. "Eren" Mikasa said "c-can we talk?". "Um, y-yeah" he stuttered, he must have known what she wanted to talk about. "W-well...." Mikasa was having trouble finding the words. "Mikasa" Eren said backing her against the wall "don't". She was blushing like crazy, his face was only a few inches from hers. "All my life....I've loved you like a sister, but..." he said, drawing nearer "my feelings for you are becoming...something else". He closed the gap between them, startling Mikasa. She didn't know how long they stood like that, but she never wanted it to end. "Finally!" Jean said. Eren broke away and they both turned to see the crowd that had formed in the hallway. Alongside Jean stood Connie, Christa, Burtold, Sasha, and Reiner. "What is this?" Eren chuckled. "We all knew this would happen since we were cadets" said Reiner. "and after Armin and Annie we figured it was just a matter of time" Sasha continued. "We knew after this morning you guys would end up like this today" said Connie. "So when you came to the room looking for Eren, I got the others" Jean finished. "Why?" Mikasa giggled. "To celebrate" said Christa "this has been long anticipated". "But you sure took your time, huh?" laughed Burtold. At that point they were all laughing. "By the way" Eren said "why arn't Armin and Annie here?". They all stopped dead. "W-well...." Christa tried to begin, but she was to embarrassed. "They'" Burtold began. "They're busy" Connie finished. "No more questions" Jean said, pushing them in the direcion of the mess hall "let's just go and get some drinks".

Mikasa and Eren were surprised by their friends, they had told them "there's no need to make a big deal out of this", but they replied with "this has been years in the making". Eren rolled his eyes and put his arm around Mikasa, who was blushing like crazy from embarrassment. Eren smiled and closed his eyes. The voices of his friends became more and more distant.

Oddly, he dremt of death and destruction. Titans decimated the inner city, one by one his comrads fell. At the center of it all stood a glowing man. "Eren!" Mikasa shrieked before being swallowed by a titan. "Mikasa" Eren yelled, but was unable to move. He was pinned underneath something. Tears ran down his face and he slamed his fist against the ground. "Damn it!" he screamed "Damn it all!".

His eyes shot open and he lurched forward. His breathing was fast and ragged. "Eren!?" Mikasa cried. "I-I'm fine" Eren stammered "j-just a n-nightmare". "Eren" Mikasa said, putting her arms around him "it's okay". Eren felt....calmer, like Mikasa had suddenly taken all of his fear away. "Mikasa" he whispered. He hooked his finger under her chin and brought his lips to hers, just as he had done in the hall. "Yeah!" Connie cheered, causing both of them to smile. "Damn it Connie!" Eren laughed "I'm trying to keep a straight face here". Everyone began laughing, it was nice to take their minds off of their situation. "I'm getting tired" Eren yawned "I'm going to bed, goodnight guys". He stood up and left, followed by Mikasa. She caught up with him and matched her pace to his. She reached out and seized his hand. Eren tightened his hand around hers, making her wide smile wider. Once they got in bed sleep enveloped them quickly.

Levi sipped his tea as he gazed down at the courtyard from atop the roof. He was lost in thought. He was snapped back to reality when he heard a dull thud from across the roof. His gaze fell upon Daniel who, for some unknown reason, had a bleeding gash above his left eye. "Where have you been?" Questioned Levi. "Outside Wall Rose" answered Daniel.

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