Kapittel fem

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The soldier turned and looked at me and Max.
"I'm Giulia," she smiled, "I'm in charge of the vehicles back at base. I'm guessing you're the new ones?"
Max nodded, "I'm Max and this is Amaris."
"It's just Ami." I muttered, with my head down. Giulia smiled and turned her head towards the pilots.
"Anything?" she asked.
The pilots replied and they began to talk through the radio. Giulia turned back.
"Okay, you need to get in position. The helmet has a mouth guard on it. Just click that button again and it should appear."
I clicked the button and a dark metal guard covered up my nose and mouth. Giulia and Max did the same.
"Right," she continued, "you need your hand on the trigger at all times. As you press down, all the bullets will be released- it's like a machine gun."
We nodded and got ready. It sounded like a thunderstorm was brewing outside, sounds of explosions and gunshots from the trucks below followed. Max and I looked at each other and gave a subtle nod. Suddenly the helicopter shook and lowered in altitude drastically. We all jolted forward as the helicopter lost control. Then, the aircraft started to tilt backwards- something else was on here.
"They're here!" Giulia screamed, as the engine roared to try and gain altitude, "They're going to blow us up!"
Max turned to the door, "How about we jump?"
"Hm, good idea!" she yelled sarcastically, "Pull the lever now!"
As he slowly pulled back the lever, a large electrical sound hit the back of the cabin. The several soldiers that were on here before were now a pile of broken bones.
"Max, hurry!"
The door eventually opened and we all scurried to the exit. Giulia took both of our arms and leaped out of helicopter. We weren't that high from the ground, so it wasn't long before we hit the surface. I wasn't hurt, but rather shocked from what we just did. I stood up and looked at the landscape- it was plain dirt, infested with debris. Piles of rubble where houses used to stand, emergency vehicles that had been tossed due to explosions. All that was left was the army base, a few small concrete huts and a large wall that stood in the distance.

"We have to split up!" Giulia yelled from behind me, "They're still around!"
I sprinted towards a pile of bricks and hid behind it. I peaked over the top, and my eyes were set on the hovering helicopter that shook and rattled above. I turned back and looked at the gun that lay in my trembling hands. All of a sudden, a rush of hot air blew past, and a spark appeared out of nowhere. I became alert almost instantly, and aimed the gun at where the spark had come from. Then I pulled back the trigger, and the gun shot several bullets that hit an invisible shield. I stopped shooting, dropped the gun and ran in the opposite direction, towards Max.
"Ami look out!" Max yelled, looking towards the sky.
My head shot up and saw the helicopter plummeting towards me. I gasped and sprinted further, then leaped into the small hut where Max was hiding. The helicopter smashed into the ground, leaving a blaring explosion and a cloud of dust and shrapnel.

I lay there for several minutes, until all the dust had disappeared. I staggered up to my feet, and saw Max with his helmet off, slouched against the wall. He looked out of breath and had various cuts all over his face. The gun was on the floor, which reminded me of the one I dropped only half an hour ago. Everything was silent, no more sirens, no trucks. I knew now that it was safe to go out.
"Max," I whispered, "come on, let's go back to base before they come again."
He stared at me, "I don't think I'll be going anywhere," he pointed to his leg. A large bullet had pierced his skin, and blood was pulsing out of the wound.
"Okay," I panicked, "Max, wait there, I'll go and find someone!"
"Like I said, I won't be going anywhere." Max yelped.
I ran out of the hut, threw my helmet off and picked up the gun I dropped earlier. Just then, someone grabbed my shoulder. It was Giulia.
"I thought you were dead!" she yelled, throwing her arms around me. "Thank goodness for that!"
I explained that the helicopter crashed, and that Max was in the hut, badly injured. Suddenly alert, Giulia ran over to the hut.
"Go back to the base and grab a first aid kit!" she screamed at the top of her voice. I sprinted back to base and saw Lister up in the control room. I carried on up the narrow staircase and into the control room. Lister saw me, and had a stern look upon his face.
I was breathless, "Sir, Max is, seriously injured. We need, a first aid kit, now!"
"Just downstairs," he replied, "First room on the left. Bring him back, and then I want you back here immediately. All of you."
I nodded slightly, and jogged back down the stairs, into the first aid room, and back outside again. When I met with Giulia again, Max was in critical condition. Giulia took the metal tool that removed bullets, and pulled out a large piece of metal from Max's leg, then bandaged it up tightly. She then told me to help her carry him back. I took his right arm and swung it over my shoulder. Giulia did the same with his left arm

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