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What do you mean?" Dad cried, "It's not what we think?"
Giulia lifted up her wrist, "These aren't ID chips are they?" she shouted in anger, "They're immunity chips. To this; these invaders carry an infection don't they?"
I looked a Giulia in shock, "Is that what was inside Max?"
She nodded, her rifle now pointing at dad.
"Tell us what is happening!" she yelled in demand, "Or I will not hesitate to kill you and find out myself!"
"Okay, okay!" Dad cried, putting his hands up, "You're right, they are immunity chips. Those who aren't immune will have a fatal reaction if the chips aren't removed,"
"But Zack had his removed," I interrupted, "how is he infected?"
"He's not infected with Gammastrale, they've created another infection for all those immune. If you go outside those walls they will kill you; they control everything."
"Who's they?" Reina asked, "The invaders?"
"...The Scanczian Army..."
Giulia's head perked up and she lowered her rifle, "I knew there was something about them, I knew it..."
"So are Giulia, Marek and Zack immune then?" Arick asked, walked closer to my dad.
He nodded.
"But we need to get out of The Senter," Arick continued, "we can't stay in here forever."
"You'll get killed either way!" my dad warned him.
"Well I'd rather die trying to stop this infection."
Dad put his head down, "Alright,". He walked over to a control pad, and started typing. The mist around the wall disappeared.

"Run now!" he cried, "Before they get you as well."

I hugged dad quickly, before running with the others to a small door in the wall. I turned around to see dad one last time; instead to find him being dragged towards a truck, with a gun to his head.
"Don't look Amaris," Marek said as he wrapped his arm around my eyes, pulling me through the door. I grabbed his arm, a signal for him to get off me. He removed his arm once the door closed. My eyes struggled to adjust to the light, but when they did, I turned to Marek.

"Thank you," I muttered, "I'm sorry I misjudged you."

For the first time, he smiled at me. "It's okay. I was just trying to protect all of us,"

"It's okay, I understand."

I turned to see Giulia staring at us, jealously clearly written all over her beaten-up face.

"Giulia what-"

"Let's just go," she sighed, "you heard what he said, we will die. They will find us."

Marek turned to me, shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the rest of the group. We started walking through thick forest; a potential death trap. Everywhere we stepped was a death trap, the army now knew we've escaped The Senter. They would try and kill every immune and not immune, using whatever it took.

The sun started to set, and we eventually stumbled across a small village. We stuck together, making sure there was nobody around, and then made our way into one of the disintegrating houses. We set the rifles on the floor to give us some light, and quickly examined the house.

"Marek where are we?" Leysa yelled from one of the rooms.

"On the border of West and North," he shouted, coming down the stairs, "we're not far from the coast."

After examination, we all sat in the dining room, eating the final pouches of food that we had.

"We need more food," Reina sighed, "that's another way we will die- starvation."

"We will not die until we get to Copenhagen," Giulia said, slamming her hands down on the table, "I'll go and search the town for more food."

"You're going nowhere on your own," Marek replied, wiping his mouth and standing up, "I'm going with you. Reina you stay on guard. We'll be no more that half an hour."

We all nodded and agreed. They walked out of the door, rifles in hands. Now that the Gammastråle infection had been shut down, our bullets would work, hopefully. I walked into the living room where Zack lay. Arick was next to him, with some gloves on, trying not to get infected himself.

"Thank you Arick," I smiled, crouching down next to Zack, "how is he? Are you okay? You're not infected as well are you?"

"Ami calm down," he replied, "I'm fine, Zack just needs rest."

I smiled and patted Zack's arm, "You'll be okay Zack,"

Suddenly Reina rushed in and yelled loudly,

"Something is coming-"

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