=> Ask her about witches and Iris

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"Naomi!!" you yell as you run in.

"Hello, Lee," she says as she stops stirring and turns to you. "I saw your nice little note and decided to stop by for once." She looks to the side in hesitation. "...I'm also here to apologize."

"No need to apologize! I'm sure you have your reasons for being absent from the club for a while!"

She sighs with a slight smile. "Yes, I suppose I should apologize for that, too. But I mean to apologize for causing you great unhappiness."

You tilt your head. "When did that happen?"

"Are...are you not unhappy?" she asks with a raised eyebrow. "That cupcake I gave you before, did it not work?"

"What are you talking about? It definitely worked!"

She blinks. "It--it did?"

"Yeah! Well, kind of. It wasn't instant. But I made my first friend!"

Her mouth opens in surprise. "Are you saying that...you're actually happy? You don't hate me?"

"Why would I hate you? It's thanks to you that I finally made a friend! Of course I'd be happy!--"

A teardrop slides down your cheek. "I made a friend, so I should be happier, right?" More tears are building up in the corner of your eyes. "I'm sorry, I think I'm missing another social cue again..."

She purses her lips, then walks to you as she hides her face behind the brim of her hat. "Lee," she begins, taking out a handkerchief and wiping your eyes, "that cupcake definitely didn't work. I cursed you, Lee. That's just what witches are fated to do." She squeezes the handkerchief. "...I'm sorry."

You blink a bit, stopping your tears. "You're...a real witch? Like, not a sandwich but a magical witch?"

She chuckles. "Food is the only thing on your mind in this room, isn't it? But, yes Lee..." She walks back over to the pot, only for it to emit a loud screeching as a horned being emerges from it.

Without missing a beat, she twirls her oar and smacks it back into the pot. "I'm a real, magical witch. But really, there's nothing magical about us. My entire bloodline is condemned to give nothing but curses. No matter what sort of sorcery I attempt, it can never turn out benevolent."

She stands up her oar, leaning on it. "I'm desperately trying to fight this fate of mine, Lee. I thought something would be different if I tried my hand on a pure person such as you." Her hands tighten. "Instead, you paid the price for my misguided optimism. I'm so sorry."

You put a hand on your chin, processing everything she just said. "So...you're saying that...it was never my shampoo? It was just your cupcake that made everyone act weird?"

"Yes. Again, I'm--"

"What about Iris? Did you do that too?"


Your face brightens up as you think about her. "Yeah, Iris! She's the friend I was talking about! She said that she pissed off a witch when was younger, and now people act like she doesn't exist. Does that ring a bell?"

She shakes her head. "I would never curse someone in anger. She may have encountered one of my family members."

"Oh, that makes it easy then! You can find out who it is and ask them to take off this curse thingy!"

She returns to stirring. "I'm not exactly close with my family anymore. Plus, if any of us knew how to undo curses, I would do everything in my power to fix everyone we've cursed."

Your face droops down. "Oh. Then that means...everyone's still gonna be weird to me and Iris?"

She pauses, then nods.

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