=> Hang out in the library (The Ally and The Librarian, Part 2)

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You decide to go to the library and read to pass the time. Upon entering, Meg waves at you. You wave back and walk over to the manga section, grabbing a volume of Naruto and going up to the counter to check it out.

As you bring it over, you realize that all the words are backwards. Shit. Oh well, here's hoping the pictures carry the story.

The moment Meg sees the book you're checking out, sparks flash on her eyes for a moment. "Sup, Lee. Like, better make sure you actually return this on time, this time!" She blinks. "This time? I don't have any records of your borrows in my memory banks...wait, memory banks? Like, I'm so sorry if I'm sounding weird right now, Lee."

You take the book once she finishes scanning it. "I don't think you're weird at all!"

She shifts her gaze to the side. "Well, like, I've been feeling so weird in general. I can't even focus on rumors because of these feelings." She points to a certain guy in the corner. "Like, that guy over there? Drake? He's like, been on my mind since yesterday and like, I can't stop thinking about him."

Oh man, she's totally remembering her feelings for Drake from the other world. You look down as you somewhat get hesitant about fucking up this world further.

She looks at you with desperate eyes. "Like, what do I do, Lee? Twilight didn't teach me anything about these feelings!"

You look back at her with a strong desire to help. You just can't leave these two alone after all. "Okay, uh, well, have you tried to, uh, talk to him?"

She starts to redden. "Error." She smacks herself. "I mean, uh, like, you want me to just...go up to him? While he's, like, busy? And TALK????"

You nod at her with glee. "Yeah! ...Is that something you're not supposed to do?"

She stares at him again.

He takes a quick glance back, surprisingly.

She looks back at you with a big "O" on her mouth. "I think that's like, a sign!"

"Heck yeah! You got this!"

She takes a deep breath and walks over to Drake, who looks up from his book to look at her.

"Panic. I didn't think this through," she says as she twiddles her thumbs. "Yo. Is that a mirror in your Tennessee?"

A spark jolts from his chest. "Uh, what?"

She can't bear to look him in the eyes. "Because, uh, you're the only pants I see." She quickly darts back to the counter covering her face and groaning. "Hhhhh, like, I can't do this, Lee!"

You give her a thumbs up. "Hey, I'd say that's progress! Here, can I see your phone?"

With a raised brow, she hands it to you.

You tap it a few times. "Here, see this WikiHow page? It says to 'keep trying!' ...I think. It's kinda hard for me to read anything here right now."

The bell rings.

"I need to recharge," she says as she packs things up from her bag. "Er, like, I meant I need a nap. But like, thanks for supporting me, Lee."


You sigh as you wander around the second floor thinking about where to stay until Naomi's ready. The moment you reach the balcony, you see a familiar person staring longingly at the sunset. Well, mostly you see the sunset through her.

She turns to look at you with surprise. "Oh, heya Lee! Didn't think you'd still be here. Don't feel like going home yet like everyone else?"

You put a hand behind your neck. "Well, I don't really have a home right now."

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