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Johanna's POV

"Mm" I let out a small groan as I sat up. Shit, my head hurts so bad!

I looked around feeling slightly confused, the room was dark, thank bob for that.

I heard the door squeak open and Ethan stepped in.

"I'm sorry about last night, Ethan." I said as he walked over sitting at the edge of the bed. "It was super insensitive of me to do that, this is your place and-"

"Have I ever told you about Yvonne?" He asked softly.

"No" I shook my head softly. He handed me a mug of coffee which I gratefully took a sip of.

"Yvonne was the reason I started drinking. We had a very toxic relationship and we were both hooked on something. I had liquor and she had her pills" he took a deep breath. "She always offered but I didn't like it."

"We constantly fought about nothing, stupid little petty arguments and every time we got into it I would just drink. It got really bad, Anna. I wasn't talking to Grayson at all because he told me Yvonne was no good and I needed to stop drinking but I wouldn't listen. And I wish I fuckin had"

Young Ethan's POV (5 yrs ago)

"You were clearly looking at her!" Yvonne screamed at me from across the apartment.

"I'm not having this argument with you" I shook my head walking over to the mini fridge pulling out a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"Why am I not enough for you, Ethan? Why do you constantly flirt and check out other girls while I'm right there in front of you?" She asked me tearing up. Here we fucking go with the water works.

It's not even that big of a deal, I glanced at the waitresses as like one time and she's losing her shit. I wish she'd just fuck off.

"Ethan, are you even fucking listening to me!?" She shouted as I chugged the bottle.

Shit tastes terrible but I fucking love it.

She grabbed the bottle from my hand throwing it at the wall making it shatter.

"Are you fucking serious you crazy bitch!" I rushed over to the wall where the bottle had landed. How was I going to get more?

"Answer me Ethan! Why am I not good enough for you!" She shoved me.

Tyler, Tyler will buy me more.

"I gotta go" I went to walk past her and she shoved me back.

"No you aren't going anywhere!" She stood her ground. I needed to leave, I need to go get more.

"Yvonne, I don't fucking care about that waitress okay. You need to get off my fucking back about this." I finally responded to her. "You always do this, if a woman breathes my way you blow the fuck up but I forgave you for opening your whore legs to Grayson"

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