Unforgettable Moment (part 1)

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A/N : Sorry for a long Update. I have a lot of thing to do. So, here you go... Another Chapter of this book. Enjoy this book

Chase's P.O.V

I grabbed Rocky's Paws while the song end. The other people gave us a space. I knelt down "Rocky..." I said and Rocky got confused "C-Chase? What are you doing? G-Get up" he said but I'm shakes my head 'No' "Rocky, I do this, because I want to tell you this" I said as I pick something from my pocket.

"Rocky... I love you since I saw you in the first sight. I want to love you, protect you, and always be there whenever you needs me. In your happiness, in your sadness, in grief and sorrow, when you're rich, when you're poor, when you're on top, even when you're down, I will always be there for you. I want to be with you forever until the age separates us. So Rocky..." I uttered it all in front of everyone and put out a collar with full of jewelry.

"So Rocky... all want to says is, Will you... M-Marry me?" I said and he be quite for a while and I wait for his answer and...

"C-Chase... I-I... Don't know what to says..." he told me and I looked down because of the hopeless answer of him. And suddenly, he jumped on me and says "I don't know what to says except, YES! I WANT TO MARRY WITH YOU! I LOVE YOU!" he shout out and kissed me right on my lips. Our lips are connected and we kissed in front of everyone in Adventure Bay and they all clapped and says 'Congratulations' to us and we were so embarrassed and we can't find another word. Then, I help Rocky wearing his new collar and I was so proud of it while see him use it. All of people came to us and some of them shakes our paw and says teased me and Rocky about something.

My head was completely red when all of people says the same thing to us but, I'm so relief that, they're accept us even Mayor Goodway "Don't Worry Rocky, Chase. Your wedding will be so special. I'll help you with your reception" she said and suddenly a familiar voice coming out "And don't forget us. We'll help you with it" Ryder said with the other pups around him with Katie and Carlos with him too. I ran towards him and hugged him "Thanks for everything Ryder. You are the best owner ever" I said as he hugged me back "no problem. That's because you are my pups so, it's been my job that I have to do. To make sure my pups happy no matter what" he said and released his hugged and Rocky hugged him too "yeah... Thanks Ryder for taking care of us. We can't change it with everything in this world" he said and released his hug.

Rocky's P.O.V

So, we came to the other pups and hugs them and says thanks and they said 'congratulations' I hugged them one by one until it's time to me to hug my best friend and my brother I have in this world... Zuma

"Wocky... Congwatulation. Now you stawt youw new life" he said to me and I hugged him tightly "thanks. Thanks for treat me like, I'm your own brother, Zuma. You are only my Bro and someone who can I called as a family" I said and Skye added in "Hey, we are all family" she said and came to me and Zuma and hugging us. The other pups including Chase came and hugs we three too

"Oh... You pups" Ryder said while Tracker and Katie giggles.

So, after that Party end and all of people back, we started to clean up and went in the lookout to rest. Tracker and Carlos, and Jake and Everest can't go home that night because of that's too late for them to get back. So, they'll sleep here for this night and we all cheer up so happy.

So, after we finished our businesses with clean up duty, we all went inside and goes to the bed. We all sleep at the beanbag chair and some pillow and pup bed Ryder gave us to sleep on. As usual, Chase grabbed my paw and dragged me gently into a pup bed "Here, Babe. I guess that's a right spot to sleep tonight" he says and I nodded and laying on the bed and Chase after me and laying next to me of course.

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