2. who are you?

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As of right now I just got back from school and was ready to hop back onto league. When my friend suddenly sent me a invite to his lobby with a message.

*Hey dude you wanna duo for a few rounds?*

*Yea, sure man* (Me)

I clicked on the check mark and joined his lobby and began to chat through the headphone.

"What game mode you wanna play?"

"Let's go with random match before we go ranking."(Me)


Me and my friend hop into a match and luckily I was fast enough to type in mid lane before anyone else. I, of course choose my lucky star, since I won yesterday with her why not today, and plus who knows she might be one of my main soon.

"Dude, when did you start playing Ahri?"


"Is it because your into furry?"


"W-wait you are into furry?! Dude I was just joking around." *Laughing across the mic*

"....l-let's just play the game..."(Me)

I mean I did find them kinda cute. But hey who wouldn't want to touch something fluffy and cute? 

"Let's do our best today Summoner(Ahri)

"Yea, let's do our best"(Me)

Although if I lose this round I'm thinking of changing a new champion. I mean who knows maybe yesterday match was just a fluke...

TimeSkip: 10mins into the game

At first I thought that something was strange as Ahri comment when playing her seemed to change. Not only that, whenever I say something funny she would also laugh almost as if she could hear me. Is this just a coincidence or is she actually listening to me... nah couldn't be I must be stressed out from school. 

Timeskip: 20mins into the game

My enemy mid lane was ecko and I would usually have a hard time fighting him, since I was always bad at trying kill him when he had his ability to turn back time and regain his health. But surprisingly I was doing pretty well, in fact this was almost a one sided massacre. he had 0 kills and I already had like 8 kills. What was most funny was that the other enemy was talking how bad I was at Ahri and accusing me of cheating, when I of course I didn't. He just kept spamming and later he left the game and we won not too long after, since it was a 5v4.

After The Game:

"Dang you did pretty good with Ahri!"

"I mean she is my lucky star!"(Me)

"Haha whatever you say buddy."

After the game he and I went through 4 more matches with of me playing Ahri the whole way, since I could now say that she was almost made for me to play. We even won all the matches and I even carried most of them. 

"Alright see ya I'm go do my homework before going to sleep It's getting late."

"Oh before you go did riot make some new patches on Ahri?" 

"No, why do you ask?"

"Huh..well I mean whenever I played Ahri I been hearing her call me master whenever I click on her. I even noticed that her animation seem much smoother, and her speech seem like as if she's was talking to me..." (me)

"....Dude you been reading too many fanfic and I also think that what you might be seeing is that you haven't been getting enough sleep. But what you said that she's been calling you master must be a bug or a virus that must have gotten onto your computer."

"Then can you come over to check it out then?"  (me)

"Yea, I can come over Tomorrow after school."

"Alright thanks see you later." (Me)

After my Friend left I looked over on the league client and see a text that came from Ahri?

*Hello, are you still there?*

Who was this person and why did her name match exactly like the champion Ahri or was she a cosplay person who wanted to be like Ahri?

*yea, I'm still here. But who are you?*

*Did you already forget I'm Ahri dummy"

*Yes, I know you cosplay as Ahri, but why did you add me to your friend list?" (Me)

*Stupid Master I am Ahri those who cosplay as me are just jealous of me and want to be me😊* (Ahri)

I didn't why she was so stubborn and want to proclaim herself as Ahri even though the character was only made pixel and data created by riot, but hey whose to Judge?

*fine, why did you add me. I don't even know you* (Me)

*Don't you remember?! We played together, and went though many battles together don't tell me you already forgot?!😢* (Ahri)

Could she be one of my teammate who somehow joined me in almost every match? But how could that be, and plus I didn't even see anyone joining me and my friend's lobby?!

*Well Anyway I'm log off I'm tired and I want to rest.* (Me)

*AWWW already!?😭😭* (Ahri)

I didn't even want type no more so I just quickly log off and closed my league client before you could type back. 

Man...these cosplay people are getting more extreme everyday even wanting other people to acknowledge that they are the characters them self.........

My time with Ahri (Dropped for now.)Where stories live. Discover now