4. Caveman

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In front of me was a strange and yet familiar creature, or should I say character?


To my surprise she nodded and also responded back with the same language that I spoke.          (It can be any language. Ex: English, French, Japanese, and etc.)

"Yes, Master?"

Her response gave me chills as I wasn't used to people calling me master. 

"J-Just call me Nen."

"Oh, you sure? If I remember correctly your name was BigBangBuffalo. But it was too long, so i just decided it was best to just call you master."

That....was my account's name....Was she watching me the whole time?!

"How did yo- never mind. How long have you been keeping track of me?"

Ahri put one of her finger onto her lips as she made one of those faces when pondering ideas.

"I'll say about three years..."

"Three years?!!"

I stood up in shock, while groaning in pain as my butt was still feeling the aftershock of the impact of falling down. After a few second of adjusting the information I been given it was time to ask the million dollar question.

"Where am I?"

"Runterra. But as of now we're within the lands of Ionia"

After a few hours of chatting with Ahri about the current situation with Ionia. I decided that it was best to stay with Ahri as of right now and learn more about what to do next. 

It was about an hour walk or so that we finally reached her home. The area was rather freezing as there were snow all around us, which greatly contrasted to where I first met Ahri where it was filled with trees and the warmth of the forest.

"This is my home Nen!"


Her house was literally a cave....I mean like....it was better nothing. 


I followed her in and sure enough it had the interior of a cave and a couple bones...wait bones!?

" Don't worry majority of them are animal bones. Though you may occasionally find human bones. "

"You eat humans too?"

" Only if they try to kill me. Also I don't eat them. I absorb their mana."

Shocked at what I heard from Ahri I decided that maybe it was best to not anger this vixen in the future.

" What happens after you absorb their mana."

" They die."


It was at that moment she stopped walking and turned back to look at me.

" This is where I usually sleep."

I looked at the spot where Ahri stood and saw it was..a clump of animal hides...

"So where I sleep?"

At my response Ahri smile grew, while her tails began to sway with increasing speed...

Oh no...

"Where else! With me of course!"

Thus began my life of a caveman with Ahri.......


Author Note: Sorry for the super....late update. I honestly forgot about this story and thought maybe I should just drop it. But, since we have the convid-19 upon us I was like "maybe I'll just write a couple stories to pass time." and here we are!

P.S. STAY SAFE Boys/Girls!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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