3.This can't be real...

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"Anyway, you told me that your champion Ahri may be bugged?"

"Yea, I thought It was a patch from riot, but you didn't even seem to know about it, so I brought you over to show you what I been seeing through my own perspective when playing Ahri."

But as soon as I logged back in. I immediately got a text from that *one* crazy roleplayer who calls herself Ahri.

* Your back!* (Ahri)

".......hey who is this..." (Friend)

".........." (Me)

"...also why is her name Ahri? (friend)

"To be honest, I don't know..." (Me)

The random person began to chat even more when I didn't respond back.

"Master, why aren't you answering back?"(Ahri)

"Sorry, I can't talk to you, I'm play a quick match and leave"(Me)

After that the person just stopped typing, and what was even more strange was that when I went to the champion selection screen everything was all grey. This indicated that someone was already playing that character.

The only freaky thing was that Ahri was the only one who was still playable. I tried picking the other characters, but it wouldn't work. And so in the end I picked her.

"Hey man this is starting to really look like a creepy pasta bro." (Friend)

"Yea...I think your right." (Me)

In this situation what would a person do I wonder? I remember reading some story about how people just left the problem. But later it would come back to bite them in the ass. 

"Well, let's see where this goes and contact riot about this problem after this match." (Me)

*After the match* (As again I don't like explaining gameplay so I'll leave it up to your imagination)

When the game ended the victory screen popped as usual. But, when I tried to click continue, it just turned gray and the game resumed by itself.

"Did you like that performance master?" (Ahri)

Both me and my friend were shocked at what was happening. But, what surprised me even more was the fact that the character Ahri was actually looking up at the screen as if she knew that I was there.

"Who are you?"

Instead of typing I was trying to see if she could hear me talk.

"I'm Ahri! The loveable and adorable fox!"(Ahri)


I see, so she can hear me. Wait if that's the case then would that mean she was listening to me talking about her the whole time!?

"You can hear me?!"(Me)

"Of course!"(Ahri)

At her response I just stood quiet for a few second, and only looked at my friend. I then turned back to the my screen and asked her another question.

"This can't be real!"(Me)

How can this be? In games character can't interact with real people. Their just pixel mashed together to just make a picture!

"Why not?"(Ahri)

"Cause your just a bunch of pixel mashed together created by Riot!"(Me)

At this point I couldn't keep my emotion and voice in control, since everything that was happening currently was too much for me to handle. 

"Ohh...So that's what they made you think of us huh?"(Ahri)

"What do you me-?"(Me)

But, before I could finish my words Ahri suddenly spoke in a hurried voice.

"I'll tell you later. their coming soon, and I can't stay here for long. I'll talk to you through the league chat."

After that the game closed down, and I was back to my old and familiar league interface.


"Master or should I call you Nen?" 

[Nen is currently the Main character's name, since I don't want to use Y/N, because I'm actually planning to write a story instead of a like all my other works. Ahem...Yandere..]

How did she know my name?

"Your probably wondering how I know your name huh? Well, let's just say fate brought us together."


"Also make sure your friend leave, or else he's going to get dragged into this."(Ahri)

I looked back to my friend, and he just looked back at me. He only sighed before only looking at the screen of my computer one more time.

"I'll leave, but you have to promise me your keep Nen out of any harm or danger."

"I will."(Ahri)

After that my friend gave me a smile before packing up and leaving my house. I then turned back my attention to the so called Ahri, and began to chat with her.

"Now, before we start talking let's bring you to my side."(Ahri)


All of sudden I felt a strong gravitational pull towards my computer, and soon I was sucked into my PC. But, instead of data like number like in movies. All I saw was just stars, and technically space I guess.

It lasted about ten second before I found myself facing flat down on the ground. The ground I landed on was grass, and that thankfully broke my fall. But another factor that helped me was a very enticing fox girl who look all too familiar. It was of course, Ahri...

"This can't be real..."(Me)

"I assure you. This is very real."(Ahri)

To be continue!
Title Preview for Part 4! : The Danger

Author Note: Again to be honest from here on out. I'm be writing out My own world of Runeterra okay? I want to point this fact out, since I will be going against the canon version a lot, and I don't want some people being like. "Your so stupid that's not how it went!" or like "You forgot this part and didn't include it in like the canon version!"

Also for those people who been wanting me to work on *My Time with Ahri*. I'll tell you that, since I got motivation to keep on writing due the new skin *Ahem..Elderwood.* I'll continue writing this story.

I also have some bad grammar writing, so I'll be thankful if you can point out my flaws, and other than that have a nice day!

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