Luke: After weeks of crying and eating alot ice cream,you finally went outside. You went to visit your best friend, who's Michael best friend. When you arrived, you knocked on the door. You didn't really expect Michael over your friends house but, he opened the door so yeah. "Hi Y/N." he said. "Hi Mike. Missed you guys loads." You two hugged. You went inside and when your best friend saw you she gave you the longest hug ever. "are u ok,hun?" she whispered so only you could hear. "not really actually... but it's better than 2 weeks ago." you said softly. Then suddenly, you started crying. Michael noticed and hugged you too. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Let me open it. Be right back." your friend said. Michael kept on hugging you and comforted you a bit. Suddenly you heard a cough. You turned around and saw Luke. "Michael , finally I found you I-" he paused until he saw you were there too. "oh I-uh,.." he started. "I'm so sorry Y/N. Do sorry. I don't know what I did. I was so stupid. Touring was a hell without skyping you and texting you. I miss your voice. Coming home with no one to hug and tell I missed her is the worst. But, Y/N, I miss you." he said. You started crying even harder. "I miss you too Luke. Alot." "I wonder if you,uhh, maybe.. Forgive me?" he said and scratched his neck. He always does that when he's nervous. In stead of answering his question you walk to him and kiss him.
Michael: You heard a knock on your door. That must be Calum. Since you broke up with Michael, this was the first time you saw him again. You went to open the door but, this wasn't Calum. It was Michael. Eyes red, from crying. No smile onto his face. You were still mad. Because he broke your heart. "what do you want" you harshly said. "Y/N I just, I just want to talk to you. I miss you. Can't you see?" He said. "come on in then." you said. He came into the house you and him shared. "take a seat." you said, trying to be nice for a minute. He went to sit down. "Listen Y/N, I don't know what I did, but at least I know it was stupid. The most beautiful girl on the world are you. And only you. Y/N I miss you. You're my world, my everything. Please can we stop this fight? I need you Y/N." You started to cry. "Michael..." you quietly say, sobbing. "shhh" he said and gave you a hug. His hugs were always the best. "This hurts because I still love you, and I can forgive you but I will never forget,you know?" You said. "I completly understand Y/N. I mean, I get it if you don't want a relationship with this dork. I'm such a stupid cow." "Yeah, but my stupid cow,Clifford." you said, and with that you two kissed.
Ashton: Your phone went off. Again. Decline. You don't want to hear who that girl was, it was obvious Ashton cheated on you. You didn't ate for a week and you cried yourself to sleep every night. You looked like a mess. You didn't want to go outside, you were weak. That strong girl that was in your body was gone. She gave up, she didn't care anymore. Your phone rang again. But this time, it wasn't Ashton. It was Luke, your best friend. You picked up the phone. "hi." you quietly say. "Hi Y/N. Luke here. How are you?" he said, being the caring friend he is. "i'm fine." you said. "you don't sound fine Y/N." "but maybe I'am." you quickly told him. "Y/N, just listen to me. I'm coming to your house, now. You some best friend love. I'll be there in 10 minutes." you wanted to tell him he didn't need to, but too late, he already hung up. You quickly did your hair into a bun and pulled on a sweater. After you did that, someone yelled your name. That must be Luke. Yes, my best friend has a key to your house you used to share with Ashton. "coming" you said. You went downstairs and there he was, but he wasn't alone. Ashton was with him. "oh hey" you said, feeling really awkward. "i hope you don't mind, but, I had too, without you he's hopeless,sorry mate, and he needs to tell you something." "ok,go ahead then." you said. You went to sit down. "look Y/N, it seriously wasn't what it looked like, I'm NOT cheating on you and i'll never do that to you. It was my niece. She's btw 3 younger then me, ok not really a big deal but she's my little niece, she always wanted to go to the studio. I didn't dare to tell you but then there you were, I understand you're mad, and I wanted to call you but you declined everytime, so yeah, here I'am." "I love you." you said to him. "does that mean you're not mad anymore?" "No, but Irwin, next time you tell me." And with that, you two kissed.
Calum: It's been a week since you ran away from Calum. How could he think you cheated on him? You would never do that. Never. You loved him too much for that. He meant the world to you. You loved him. And you still do. You wanted to contact him but you were scared he would decline or being really harsh. He needs to know the truth. He needs to know that that guy was your brother. You were trying to make him happy. He broke up with his girlfriend. He wanted to marry her, but then, he caught her cheating. And Calum thinks exactly the same, but he's your older brother, it's ok if you hold his hand or hug him or give him a kiss on the cheeck, he's family and you're really close with your brother,so. You're such a mess right now although it's been 3 days ago, you still feel like shit. You wanted to contact your brother, but if Calum sees you two maybe again, he'll definetly never will talk to you. It's weird that Calum never saw your brother but, your brother doesn't live that close to you. You finally tried to call Calum. Normally he always picks up after 2 rings, but his time, he doesn't. He doesn't pick up. You tried to call him again, but before you did that, someone knocked on your door. You opened the door and there was your brother. You hugged him thightly. "how are you lil sis?" "not that good actually.." you said. He looked at you with a really confused look. "Calum and I broke up... He thought I was cheating on him, with you." "oh no." he said. "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for coming over. I messed up. I mess everything up. I'll leave. Bye." he said. You didn't want him to leave! You didn't saw him for ages! "no stay. please." another voice said. Behind your brother, Calum stood there. "i'm so sorry y/n. I didn't know he was your brother, I should've known better,sorry for not listening to you,sorry." he said, almost crying. You walked over to him and hugged him thightly. "i missed these hugs." you whispered in his ear. "and I missed you." Calum said. After he said that you kissed eachother. Everything went back to normal.