Luke: 'Are you ready for 2015?' Luke yells out of excitement. 'Of course I'am!' You yell back. Because you were obviously excited too. ''I'am so excited!' You say with this giant smile on your face. 'Yeah, let's make 2015 a year full of happiness and a lot of fun!' He says. 'Of course we'll do that' You say, starting to get even more excited because it's only 5 minutes until 2015. 'Luke, 5 minutes.' And when you say that, Luke comes closer to you and his hand is slowly rubbing your back. You smile at him and look straight into his eyes. 'No, Luke, I'm not going to kiss you already, just wait..-' But when you look to the clock, it's only 30 seconds. '30 seconds' you say with this grin on your face. 'Your such a tease' he says and laughs. '10,9,8,7,6,5,4' You both start off. '3,2' you say a little bit louder. But, when you try to say one, Luke's lips are already on yours. You smile and kiss him back. 'Happy New Year' He says and gives you another kiss.
'Don't you want to spend New Year with friends or in a club? Sorry you're here with me at home you know...' You say insecure. 'Are you being serious? You're the one I want to spend New Year with,babe.' Ashton says. 'Do you seriously think I don't want to spend New Year with you? It's our first New Year together.' He says and kisses your forehead. You smile and give him a hug. 'You're right Ash' you say and look up - he's taller than you - and look into his beautiful eyes. 'I love you' you say. 'I love you too,babe' he says and kisses your forehead again which makes you smile even wider. 'Guess what' he suddenly says. 'What?' 'It's 2015 babe' he says and kisses you with his soft lips. 'I love you y/n. 2015 is going to rock.'Michael:
'So, what are your plans for 2015?' You ask Michael, your boyfriend. 'Eating pizza, hanging out with the boys, eating more pizza, play video games' He says with this cheeky smile on his face. 'Oh and I almost forgot' he says a minute later. 'Having the best moments with the most beautiful girl I've ever met' He says. 'Who?' You ask him and wink. 'Oh, I don't know.... My mum? Yeah, my mum too but I was actually talking!' He says. You think he's so adorable so you just go and sit even closer next to him and give him a quick kiss. 'Woah, where did that come from?' He says kind of surprised of my action. 'Because I love you' you say smiling. 'Well, I want more of that love then! And pizza!' he says which makes you giggle. 'Alright' you say and you're only an inch away from him but when you almost kiss him, you run away. And yeah, he chases you. 'Wait untilmidnight!' you yell and run around the house with Michael chasing after you.Calum:
'Having fun?' Calum whispers in your ear - which made you jump. 'Yeah, I'am alright. What about you?' You ask him. 'I don't know, I just want to spend time but the person I love!' He says,winking. You smile and take his hand to lead him out of the room full of sweaty and dancing people who are probably drunk. You're in Ashton's house, your best friend, so you know this house. You open every door , except the one from the toilet because you don't want to see what's happening over there. When you finally found an empty room, which is Ashton's , you decide to sit on his bed. 'So, is it a good idea if we just wait until midnight over here instead in a room full of drunk people?' you ask Calum who is already looking at you. 'That's what I was thinking' he says and kisses your cheek. 'I'll wait to kiss you until..' he says and looks at his phone to check what time it is. 'a minute' he says and laughs. You laugh along. A couple of seconds later, you hear the people downstairs yelling '5,4,3,2,1!' 'Happy new year babe' Calum whispers and kisses you softly. 'Happy new year' you say and smile. You kiss him again. You already know 2015 is going to be an amazing year.HAPPY NEW YEAR YOU CUTIES! I wish you all an amazing and fun year full of happiness and love! I hope you'll find the love of your life, or maybe some concert tickets from your fave band! I wish you all the best! Oh and, please keep on reading my stories in 2015? That would be pretty cool too ;) So, see you later! -Jo
Oh and, there's firework on the side of this story because, I just felt like it.