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*Meghan's P.O.V*
So I found out that John was in the hospital so I rushed to the hospital right away and as soon as Audrey left...
I came in but I didn't know Audrey was apart of John's incident in a good way, I didn't know she was specifically there for him at the time.
Me: "Babe, it's me, I'm so glad you are ok"
(Kisses his head)
John: "Yeah thank God Audrey was there, if she hadn't of come to my rescue when she did I could've died"
Me: "Wait? Audrey saved you?"
John: "Yeah, oh and God knows what I would've done without her"
I talked along with him but really I'm angry that she was around him, I know she saved my future Husband's life but the point is...
What makes her think she can just get in the way of my relationship with John?
I know she did this to get the green light on herself and I'm not stupid either.
So I saw Audrey and she just looks at me and I'm just looking at her and I'm not walking on the other side because I'm clearly the bigger person so I thanked her for saving John but I didn't just do that without telling her what I think also.
Me: "Thank you for Saving John, Audrey, I appreciate it but I know you did that just for his attention"
Audrey: "Look, I really don't like John the way you do, he's just my friend, I done what any friend would do and I saw glass everywhere in the room I couldn't leave him there and besides where were you when all of this happened?"
Me: "I was at my sisters house"
Audrey: "Oh your sisters house? Right and who are you to throw stones?"
Me: "What are you talking about?"
Audrey: "You call me attention seeking for going out of my way to save your boyfriend who you won't let him see his best friends yet you go to your sisters house, how would you like it if someone stopped you from seeing Melina? Exactly so don't give me that bullshit excuse, don't make me out to be the bad one in this situation because we both know who that is and that's you!"
Me: "Look I don't know what your talking about at the moment but I know half of that stuff is so not true"
Audrey: "Isn't it? Because that's what John said to me and other friends, drop the sweet innocent girlfriend act, we all know you are the cunning witch who's behind this and it wouldn't surprise me if you had something to do with the glass on the floor and John being attacked"
Me: "Your blaming me for that?"
Audrey: "Well who else was it Meg? You can't exactly frame me or any of his friends because you already stopped us from seeing John now besides it's either you who did this or you arranged and paid someone to attack him, besides I know your cheating on him, I've got proof"
(She shows me a video of me and Joey Mercury kissing)
Me: "You better not show that to John"
Audrey: "And what are you gonna do? Stop me?"
So I slapped her and she threw me into a table and there was a massive cat fight and it took her friends to split us both up in the fight.
There was female screaming and hair pulling going on at the time but weather she wins her match to face me for my women's title or shows John the video then I don't care he will still believe me because he's mine and he loves me and he will forgive me and I'm gonna retain because I'm better than her.
She's failing to remember that I'm the Princess of Paparazzi and when I'm done with her no one will want to take photos of her ugly face anymore, it's always gonna be me at the top where I belong.

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