Chapter 28

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Bryson's Pov

"What is going on here?" Uncle Devin asked. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you Uncle Devin,but Owen is in trouble; his has a warrant for his arrest. For selling alcohol to underage minors , and sexaully asult on me; Kyle had told his lawyer that both Owen and him had planned to get me drunk and had sex with me," I said. Uncle Devin turned all white," Owen, is going to jail; back to the city," Uncle Devin said. He sat down on the chair and he put his head into his hands. "Devin? Baby please, talk to," Owen cried.

"What you mean; sexaully asult, I thought that you were pressing charges against Kyle...for rape, not Owen," Uncle Devin said. "Kyle is saying that him and Owen had planned to get me drunk so they could have sex with me." "Devin, I didn't planned nothing with that boy, I wouldn't do that, but I did planned to have Bryson my boy toy. Now you're my boy toy," Owen said. We laughter," Oh...Owen, I'm not your boy toy, but your man...toy," Uncle Devin said. "Eww, I don't know to heard this. I'm not of here, I'll see you later," I said as walked out of the room. "Wait, Bry here is that number to that Lawyer. Call her to make a appointment for tomorrow," Uncle Devin said as he hand me a paper.

I went outside and pulled out my cell phone and dial the number. "Thank you for calling Adamson & Associates Law Firm, I'm Lisa, how may I help you?" "Hello, Lisa; my name is Bryson Maxwell; I need to speak to Keri Hilson." "I'm sorry, but Ms. Hilson as no client, by the name of Bryson Maxwell." " I'm not her client...umm yet, but I was hoping for her to take my case." "Okay, Mr. Maxwell, Ms. Hilson; I'll put you through to her line." I heard a beep...beep...beep, "Hello, I'm Ms.Hilson. How may help you." "Hello, my name is Bryson Maxwell, and I need a Lawyer. Could you take my case Please,Ms.Hilson I really need a Lawyer?" I pleaded. "Okay Mr. Maxwell, I'm listening to you; tell me about your case, but first I need to know how old are you," Ms.Hilson said.

I'm seventeen years old, and I'm too three and half months pregnant. I've need a lawyer; cause I have pressed changes on my ex-best friend; Kyle Parker, for raping me.....and I'm pregnant too; by him or Owen Phillips." "I see that you had sex with this guy; Owen Phillips and after your ex-best friend had rape you. Tell me Bryson; how old two guys are?" "Well...Kyle is too seventeen, but Owen is twenty-one years old." "Bryson, I want to hear that whole story, but not over that phone. How about you come to my office tomorrow at 10:30am;as I have to go to court at eight into morning. Come with a parent, as you are not yet eighteen," Ms.Hilson said. "Okay, Ms. Hilson. I'll see you tomorrow then," I said. As I got done with the call I had with Ms.Hilson. I got a text from mom.

Mom: Bry, your grandma told me you are visiting Owen at the clinic?

Me: yes I'm mom. I'm not sorry about; as Owen needs me.

Mom: I'm not happy about this, but it's your choice.

Mom: But we need to talk; when you get home.

Me: K, mom.

Mom: Love you, son.

Me: Love you too, mom.

"Bryson Maxwell?" I looked up to see Mrs.Phillips walking toward me. "Hi, Mrs. Phillips. I thought you wouldn't be here for a hour." I said. "Well...I diver fast to get here. Would you take me to my son?" "Oh...yes, Mrs.Phillips; I'll take you to Owen's room." Mrs.Phillips followed me into the clinic. We walked into the room," Hey, Owen look who's here to see you." I said. Owen looked up to see his mother walking into the room. "Mom!" 

A/N: I know that his chapter is short. Hope you like that chapter. Vote!! Comment!!

I've got only 8 votes on who's Bryson's twins father(s).

 Kyle has 4 votes; to be the father for both twins.

Owen has 2 votes; to be the father for both twins.

Two votes for both Owen and Kyle to be one for the twins father, but one told me that; Kyle is the father to the girl; and Owen is that father to the boy.

I asking for more votes; to who want to be the babies father is.  This voting pole will end on Sunday. Thanks.     

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