Chapter Two; The Party

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After four hours of me and the alpha going at it, we were finally done. He won, but only because of me being to scared of getting banished to actually beat him. I did a number on him though, he now has a busted lip, broken wrist, cuts and bruises everywhere, a dislocated shoulder, and a black eye. Being werewolf, though, he is almost completely healed since we heal at amazing rates.

I, on the other hand, had a broken hand, black eye, busted lip, and bruises and cuts all over me. I'm completely healed other than my hand by now though. I fell onto the grassy hill in the back yard and poured a whole bottle of water on my face. I was burning up, sweaty, tired, and hungry as hell.

"DAMIEN!" I yelled whining.

"Yes Rose?" He said laughing.

"I WANT FOOOOD! AND A SHOWERR!" I whined rolling over.

"Go shower, Rose, and we will go eat." He said as he laughed and helped me up.

"Can we go to Subway?!" I said hopeful. "Please, please, please, please, pllleeeaaassseeee?!?!"

"I guess, you did amazing today. Now go shower, you smell worse than my little brothers room!" He said acting like he was going to gag.

"Do not!" I said smelling myself, "His room is much worse! But imma go shower, you are both welcome to make yourselves at home. My parents are probably at work. I should be done soon." I said running not the house, hearing them talk about how I did.

The shower felt great on my skin! I took my time scrubbing down and washing my hair, smiling at how I know they are getting agitated waiting. Finally giving up, I sighed and turned off the water, reaching for my towel.

After I brushed my teeth and dried my hair, straightening it in the process, I walked into my closet trying to figure out what to wear. The air was chilly, so I decided to go my normal attire. Grabbing a pair of black, ripped up skinny jeans, black tank top, white short Aleve shirt, leather jacket, and my favorite combat boots. Before dressing, I went to my dresser and pulled out a black lace bra and matching thong. I can't stand normal underwear, these are much more comfortable.

After dressing I added some eyeliner and mascara to make my crystal blue eyes pop! I loved how I looked at times, just like today. Looking in the full body mirror I smile, I have all the right curves and a slim body. My muscles may seem small, but I'm one of the best fighters in our entire pack, which I was proud of. My eyes were a strange crystal blue. I've always been told that I'm a freak for my eyes, but I think they are fantastic! And my hair was a beautiful firey red, that fell to the bottom of my back in perfect waves, but I normally straightened it.

Looking one last time, I was happy with my look and took my time making my way down stairs. Looking at them as I made my way down, they were arguing about something I couldn't hear. When they looked at me, I smiled when their eyes widened and the alpha smiled at me, trying to hide his shock. I finally got to the bottom and Damian smiled at me.

"Damn, she can clean up nice!" He said shockingly.

"You're an ass! I have plans later, and I want to look nice. What's so wrong with that?" I ask innocently.

"Oh yeah, the party tonight! Damn, I almost forgot!" Damian stated.

"What party?" Alpha Micah asked us both as we stiffened.

"Um.... Just a party that happens once a year that werewolves from all over come to go to. Its the biggest party of the year and the best chance to meet your mate. Its held at the biggest pack house in each territory, and this year, it's in Blackmoon territory. The alpha is only notified if the party is to be held in their territory. Have you really never heard of it? Everyone goes to it. Since you haven't met your mate, why don't you come? It'll be fun!" I explained with a smile.

"I'll think on it...." Micah stated.

"Alright, I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving. So alpha, Vi, can we go eat?" Damian whined.

"Yeah, haha, lets go." I smiled and stated walking towards the door.

The day flew by after we left the house. We went to eat at my favorite little family owned restaurant name 'Jackies'. It was an amazing place that had the best burgers in town!! They were so big and filled with flavor that it made anyone's mouth water. They had their own secret sauce they added on everything and it makes it all so much better! We all got the biggest burger and I had a great conversation with the owner, Jackie, while waiting to leave.

After we left the restaurant, we went shopping because I wasn't letting the boys go to the biggest party of the year like that, it's just not going to be happening. After shopping around in almost every males clothing store, we finally found one. Damian wore dark jeans, a black button down, and a black jacket with black converse. Micah wore dark jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black leather jacket with black converse. They both looked so sexy, any girl would be lucky to be their mate!

After we paid for the clothes, we went for hair cuts. The boys hot a cut and style, and I got mine done too. Damians was shaggy but not to long, just enough to make him look like a mystery, and Micahs was long and shaggy as it always was only a little shorter and straight. Mine was straight, as always, and they cut my bangs slanted to cover my crystal blue, I pulled the look off amazingly!

As we paid for those and began to leave, it was about time for the party to start. Smiling, we headed for the car and listened to the radio as we sang along or talked on the ride there. Every now and then they would argue about how to get there or over something stupid. It was nice being able to just relax and hang out with the guys. No girls to start drama and no boyfriend to argue with, it was peaceful.

Pulling into the driveway, we parked and I checked to make sure my hair was still perfect. The guys got out, brushing themselves on and fixing their jackets. Girls eyed them as they passed by and guys smiled or checked me out. 'Tonight is going to be a great night, just let lose and have fun!' I thought to myself. Looking at the guys, they smiled and I smiled back. I walked between them and hugged each of them. They looked to me to make the first move, so I turned to the raging party, took a deep breath, and began walking.

"Lets party boys!"



Hey loves! I hope you like the story so far, I know nothing exciting is happening, but it'll pick up soon! I promise! But if you have any ideas or advice, please tell me. It all helps so much. But I have some questions for you...

Will any of them find their mates tonight?

What will happen at the party?




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