Chapter Nine; Welcome to the world

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When we finally got to the house, Baine helped me out of the car and into the house as quickly as possible. He told me to go to my room and he would be up to get me when he figured something out. Remembering all the stuff I bought, I went as quickly as I could and closed my door, locking it. Sighing, I looked and saw so many bags I thought I would die.

After finally getting everything put up and my room reorganized, I smiled. It didn't look much different, if anything, it just looked like I bought a bunch if band posters and anime stuff. Now, if you looked in the closet, you would see a shit load of new clothes and shoes that I won't ever be able to fit in until after Star is born. Also, in my drawers, you'd see bras and underwear that match and that fills two drawers full! Okay, so maybe I went a little over board with my shopping.

"Rose, can you unlock your door please?" I heard Baine asking. I got up and walked over to the door, unlocking it and letting him in. "Why was your door locked anyways?"

"I was reorganizing my room and I was going to take a nap... My stomach is hurting really bad..." I said rubbing my belly.

"Well, it has been over a week since your last appointment. Maybe she is getting ready to see the world." He said as he placed his hand on my belly.

"Maybe... But what is going g on? Who was that guy who cornered me?" I asked him.

"Listen Rose," he said as he lead me to my bed and we sat down on the edge, "that guy is a very dear friend of mine. He is undercover, working for the people who are after me. He is someone you can trust, I swear. But if they are that close for him to tell us, we are all in danger here. If I stay here, it puts you and Star in great danger." He said calmly, keeping eye contact with me.

"What does this mean for us?" I ask, trying to hide my pain.

"I'm giving you a choice. I've already talked this over with Micah and Damian, now I need to hear what you want. If I stay, this means a war will break out and we will have to fight these guys. If I leave, you, our daughter, and this pack will be safe and no war will happen. But they will come to your pack looking for me and I cannot guarantee what they will do. Your opinion matters most to me. What do you want Rose? I will only do as you wish, no one else." He said, as if hoping I had an answer.

"I..." I started. What do I say? "I don't want you to leave.... Call me selfish, but I just got you back.... Please don't leave me again...." I pleaded as tears ran down my eyes.

"Hey, calm down, I'm not going anywhere, okay? I'm going to stay here and do the right thing. Okay?" He said wiping my tears. I just nodded.

We talked a little more until he went down to get me something to eat. My stomach was hurting so badly, it was weird. This never happened, and it sure as hell never hurt this bad. I stood up to walk around, thinking that would help, and instead I was met with a huge puddle at my feet. You have got to be kidding me....

"Baine! Um... I need you, fast!" I yelled as I cringed my teeth at a contraction. "BAINE!"

He came running up the stairs, took one look at me and knew it was time for this baby to come. "Damian! Get the baby bag and car seat and put it in my car, fast!! We need to get Rose to the hospital!" He yelled.

Damian quickly grabbed all of the stuff and ran past me as I slowly made my way down the stairs, stopping to handle each contraction that hit. Baine carefully helped me in the car and told me to call my doctor. When I did, she said she was on her way to the hospital now and will meet us there. Baine raced to the hospital, knowing that the baby would be here soon.

As soon as we arrived at the hospital there was someone to park the car for us and a wheel chair so I wouldn't have to walk. Baine held my hand the entire time from the car, through the halls, and into the room. They hooked me up to an IV and some machines. My doctor ran in and smiled at me.

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