Chapter Ten; Warning

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It has been about a week since we brought Star home. We took the door connecting the nursery and Rose's room to get to her easier. She truly was amazing, even if she did keep us up some nights. She would smile at everyone and only smile if she was hungry, needed to be changed, or if she wanted attention. Rose made me give her a bath yesterday and I was terrified the entire time until she splashed me in the face with water. She definitely loved to play.

Rose has been tired more than anything because she will not sleep, thinking something will happen. I finally convinced her to sleep and she was curled up in bed now. Star was in her baby swing looking around at everything and sometimes her eyes would drift to the television. For some reason, her favorite show was Pokemon. Probably because of the cute little creatures and the bright colors.

I made a call and some of my best warriors came to help with boarder control until I could convince Rose to come home with me. I didn't want to take her from her family, but I cannot stay gone from my pack much longer. They need me too and my beta is already getting angry with the paperwork. I've already been told they've had to fill in a few holes in the walls because he got frustrated and threw something. He was my best friend, but damn, that boy hated paperwork. No wonder he hated school so much.

Star's giggling broke me from my thoughts and I turned to see Vlad standing there playing with her. Vlad was the guy that I had working undercover with the rouges after me. We have been friends since we were little and i trusted him with my life. He was crouched down in front of her and making faces and she laughed while trying to get him to pick her up. He turned to me and smiled with a questioning look, I simply nodded knowing what he wanted.

"Man, you may be ugly as hell but she is beautiful. We know that she definitely got her looks from her mother!" He said laughing as Star grabbed on his hair and pulled it.

"Well you ain't much better looking, Vladimir, but thank you. She really does look just like Rose." I said smiling as my baby girl pulled his hair over and over. "I forgot to warn you, she loves hair."

"Yeah," he said prying her little hands open, "I can tell! I may have to get a hair cut just because of her." He said as he lifted her in the air, making her laugh.

"Probably. But what are you here for, Vladimir?" I asked, knowing he was here for a reason.

"Actually," he said as he set Star back down in her swing, smiling at her pouting face when she was put down. "I came to tell you they are close. Really close. They know about your baby, and he wants her. He says that you took what was most important to him, so he will take what's most important to you." He stated calmly and carefully.

"What do you think we should do? Because I'll kill that bastard before he ever even gets the chance to look at my daughter or mate!" I said angrily.

"Your best bet is to make a surprise attack against them. They are supposed to be here by midnight exactly in two days. They must pass through the clearing to get here. You need to gather all the troops possible and get there before them, hide in the shadows, and attack. The element of surprise is his biggest weakness because he must plan out an attack perfect to win. I do not want to see you fail, Alpha, nor do I want to see your child or mate in harms way." He stated.

"You're right," I said looking at Star, "I will contact Micah tomorrow and let him know what's going on and call for a pack meeting."

"Sounds like a plan. I have to go, he thinks I'm hunting in the woods." He crouched down and kissed Star on the forehead, making her giggle. "I'll let you know when I know anything else." With that, he was gone.

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