Chapter Eleven; Rose's Secret

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While everyone was in the pack meeting, I was supposed to be home with Star. Trust me, I wanted to be, but my wolf hasn't ran in a while and she needs some training. So I got my mother to watch her for me while I went in the woods to use my.... Special abilities for the first time in a while. Also, I won't have to worry about anyone walking up and seeing me because they are all busy, so its absolutely perfect!

As I felt my bones shift and hair erupt from every inch of my body, I inwardly smiled. I could feel as she took over and began running through the thick woods, heading to our hiding place. It was a beautiful watering hole with a waterfall on the far side of the woods. Its so overgrown now that no one but my parents and I know where it is.

When we finally got there, I automatically felt relaxed. I made sure no one followed me, then shifted back, jumping into the water. It was always so warm and welcoming, I loved it and took very good care of my little hide away. Knowing I only had a few more hours, I sat down on a rock in the more shallow end and closed my eyes.

Building up my energy, I focused on the water. How warm it was, the liquid state, the look and feel, and how it always felt weightless. I slowly raised my hand and, opening my eyes, water rose from the watering hole and danced around my hide away.

I smiled to myself, its been so long!

After playing with water for around an hour, I worked on Earth. Focusing on my five senses, I willed the Earth to do as I wanted. I opened my eyes and chunks of the ground were floating around and shifting their selves. Being able to do this again, feeling the elements and the world, made me so happy!

After a while, I had already practiced all four elements, and was now ready to try them all at once. This was always the tricky part because if I lose focus for a second, it can cause something bad to happen. Last time I tried this I lost focus and accidentally created an earthquake.

Closing my eyes, I focused all of my energy on the four elements. Using every bit of my senses to understand each one. One I had all of my focus and energy on only the elements alone, I opened my eyes and my great caught in my throat. All four elements were flying around me, dancing together as if in harmony. I loved seeing what my powers can do and how beautiful each element truly is.

I sat there for another hour or so and enjoyed the freeing feeling that my powers gave me. I only hope that my little Star got them also. I know I'll have to show Baine eventually, but I am scared... What if he thinks I'm a freak? What if he-

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a twig snapping and the rustling of leaves. My heart jumped into my throat as I tried to stay focused and return the elements to where they belong. Taking a deep breath, I focused on the elements and returned them to their rightful places one by one. Once I was finished, I knew someone was standing behind me.

"How the hell did you do that?!" Baine said in disbelief

"Um... Would you believe me if I said that it was all an allusion?" I asked as I cringed, still not turning around.

"Yeah, no. How the hell did you do that Rose? And tell me the truth!" He said as he sat beside me

"Okay, well.... I guess it started when I was a baby.... Weird things would happen around me like I'd be wet or all dirty and crying or something would catch on fire if I was upset or fly across the room. Mom and dad had no idea why, until one night we were all walking and the moon goddess came to them. She said I died in the womb early in pregnancy and that she saw something special in me. She brought me back and gave me the gift to control the elements. Ever since we have hidden it. I found this place at a young age with my mother and she helped me control my powers... No one except my parents, and now you, know about this. And after a month or two, Star will come into her powers. Well, she may. I don't know if they will get handed down or not...." I explained to him.

"So why have you his this? It would be so useful! No pack or rouge would ever mess with any of us!" He said sounding way to excited.

"That's why! See the way you are acting?!" I said getting up, slightly mad. "They would use me as some kind of weapon and not a pack member! People would be scared of me when I'd rather die then use my gift for evil.... I want to use it to protect our pack.... And if it comes down to it, I'll use my gift to protect this pack and my family! If they think I'm a monster, let them. I'd rather come out and show them my gift then let them hurt my family...." With my back to him, I felt a tear run down my face but float in the air before it could hit the ground.

"Baby, look," he said wrapping his arms around me, "I didn't mean to upset you. Look, I won't tell anyone. And if our baby does have the gift, she will have an amazing teacher."

"Thanks Baine..." I said as I hugged him tightly.

"Rose, we need you here, now! Something is wrong with Star!" My mother mind linked me.

Looking at Baine, I felt like my entire world was going to stop. "We need to go!"

Hey guys! Okay, so this chapter is shorter than the others, but I have been trying to do a lot with Thanksgiving and 5 birthdays all in one week. But I thought I published this sooner, I didn't know that it didn't. But I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving and ate until you felt like you were gonna bust!! Haha happy holidays lovelies!!!!(:

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