Chapter Fourteen; The Rouge Alpha

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I smiled as I killed yet another rouge, shaking as I feel the dirt fall from my fur. The battle was going well for us, I'm guessing that no one expected us to have an army this large. The amount of our casualties compared to theirs was little and the ground was scattered with the bodies of rouge werewolves who had shifted back to their human forms, rather from severe injury or death.

As I went for yet another rouge, I felt a large amount of worry and concern rise through the link between my mate and I. The worry only grew larger as each second passed. Mind linking the pack, I told them that I was going to check on my family, they immediately u derstood and said they could handle it. Turning, I put as much power as I can and ran towards the hospital where my mate and child were kept at. I could see the whirling wind barrier come into view, knowing that that is draining her energy more and more each minute that thing is up.

As I ran through the barrier, I changed forms and ran to my daughters room. My body froze and my blood ran cold as a certain scent filled my nostrils. The only thing that I could think, KILL!


As I checked on the war once more, I collapsed into the chair, knowing I was getting weaker. I've had a bad feeling the entire time this war began, but I couldn't let it get the best of me.

As I smiled and shook the feeling away, I kissed my babies head and got up to go find something to drink. I finally found one about three rooms down from ours, quickly getting a Dr. Pepper and heading back. I got right outside our room and heard Star cry loudly. I dropped the soda and ran into the room. I quickly pulled her into my arms and rocked her, crying tears of joy knowing my baby was okay again.

The doctor checked her over and said it was the most amazing thing she has ever seen. We kept her hooked up to the IV and had to have her stay under servalance to make sure she was truly healed. I was going to mind link Bayne, but decided against it because he needed to focus on the war.

As I sat there, singing my little Star to sleep, I heard a loud bang and looked up to find a large man standing in the doorway. I had never seen him before, he had messy black hair, blood red eyes, dressed in all black and a large scar going down the side of his face. He let off a very strong aura, letting everyone around him know he was an alpha. Only difference is his precense was somehow.... Evil and cold.

His expression softened and he took a deep breath. He took a step closer and I held Star closer to my chest.

"Well, hello my dearest Rose, I'm so glad to finally meet you. And your beautiful daughter that is." He said calmly. His voice was deep yet inviting.

"Who are you and how do you know my family?" I asked strongly.

"Some may call me Shadow, Mystery Man, and many other things. But you my dear, you may call me Alpha John. The rouge alpha." He smiled wickedly.

I was in complete shock! The rouge alpha?! The same one that wants my baby and to kill my pack?! Chills ran through my body and adrenalin began pumping through my veins. My wolf wanted blood. And just as I thought that, he lunged.

Hey lovelies!! I'm so sorry I didn't update like I wanted... I've been working on an essay for school and trying to find a job and deal with some family stuff. Next chapter should be up soon. though, I swear!! I thought I posted this one already, but sadly I didn't. But I hope you all aren't too mad at me!! I love you all and you're the best readers I could ask for!!

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