Untitled Part 1

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The man behind the glass paced, back and forth his nostrils flaring and his fangs bared. He hated being in this tiny room. It was not a cage but felt very much like one, as the only time he was allowed out was when they did their testing. He hated the testing even more.

He was not sure how long he had been at this place, but every single fiber of his being wanted out. He had tried using his strength, but they had obviously reinforced the doors and windows, with what, he was not sure. When they had to take him for testing they tranqued him with a paralytic until they got him where they could control him.

He wanted to rip out the throat of every single person at this facility. They poked and prodded and made him do things that caused him to shift. Sometimes his vampire side took over and sometimes his wolf side emerged. Either way it was exhausting.

He glanced at the mirror that hung on the wall to the left of the door. He knew they were there watching him, observing him but he refused to give them what they wanted right now. He would stay calm. For now.

Dr. Smoak walked into the room and stood at the two-way mirror. She had been called to consult on an experiment that was taking place and on the other side of the mirror was the result of that experiment. Felicity looked in at him and her breath hitched audibly at just what a fine specimen he truly was. The man behind the mirror was magnificent. He was pacing like a caged animal and she noted his anxiety in the lines of his body but also the strength and grace.

He was an Alpha; part vampire and part wolf and he was the first of his kind. He was shirtless having just come back from testing and Felicity let her eyes travel down over the broad bunching muscles of his back to his tapered waist and strong thighs. The jeans he wore accentuated his strength, but it was when he turned around that she received a shock that rocked her straight to her core. His eyes.

He turned sniffing the air, his body tensing as he scented. Felicity felt safe knowing her identity was hidden on the other side of the mirror, but when he approached the mirror and looked right at her his eyes suddenly flashed yellow and her heart skipped a beat. He smelled her. How did he do that? They made sure to thicken the walls when they created this room. Had his senses intensified?

Felicity cleared her throat and shifted on her feet. She could not look away from the him. It was if he was holding her in place by the sheer force of his presence. She knew that he could not see her; of course, he could not see her. However, she felt like he was looking right through her as he scented, closing his eyes and then bared his fangs ever so slightly, causing a shiver to run down her spine. He was an apex predator and it showed in every single move he made.

Oliver kept his eyes on the mirror. There was someone on the other side of that glass that had touched that deep primitive side of himself. He could smell her. She had a scent that drew him to her and he closed his eyes briefly and listened. He could hear the blood singing though her veins but more importantly her heart was racing; pulsing; calling to him. He opened his eyes and looked directly at her through the glass and he felt her shiver.

Felicity jumped when she heard a man's voice behind her, "Dr. Smoak?" She finally broke her gaze with the man behind the glass and turned with a small smile. This must be Dr. Carter.

"Yes, hi Dr. Carter. So very glad to finally meet you. Dr. Davis speaks very highly of you."

"Please call me Jeff, it is a pleasure to meet you as well Dr. Smoak. Your reputation proceeds you."

"Please you can call me Felicity." She turned back to the mirror and looked at the man who was pacing once again. He reminded her of a caged wolf. All grace and strength but deadly. "How did the tests go today?"

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