Untitled Part 16

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Slade smiled an eerily deadly smile as he stepped over Oliver. "He should have known he could not beat me."

Tommy looked down at Oliver again and reached for his sound amplifier. He was about to send out the sound waves when he saw Oliver start to move. A growl ripped from Oliver's chest as he slowly shifted, and his wolf side completely took over.

He growled again, and Slade turned, his eyes widening as he saw the wolf standing where Oliver once lay.

"He's a fucking hybrid?" Slade's asked the question in shock and it gave Tommy just enough time to use his amplifier. A piercing whistle shot through the room and Slade covered his ears as his face contorted in pain.

Oliver stood with his canines bared and his hair standing up, his posture defensive. Tommy quickly approached Slade but as he was about to inject the needle into his arm, Slade shoved him knocking him into the far wall. Tommy crumpled to the floor as Oliver growled and then jumped. He lunged for Slade's arm with his fangs ready to rip into him, but Slade quickly turned and then vanished out the door.

Oliver landed on all fours and growled as the door shut behind Slade. Dammit he had gotten away. He turned and looked over at Tommy, his wolf growling at the sight of the man that had been touching his mate earlier that morning. He approached him slowly and sniffed him with his muzzle. He could feel Tommy's heart beating and using all his control, Oliver shifted back to his vampire form.

Oliver felt over Tommy's body trying to figure out his wounds and sensing that he had no broken bones but did have a concussion, he picked him up and headed home.


Felicity had been furiously typing at her computer since Oliver and Tommy had left that morning. She had to do something to get her mind off what could happen. She had to stop thinking of the fact that Oliver had just gone to meet up with Slade. His sire.

She finally pushed her computer aside, standing to stretch when Oliver burst through the door carrying Tommy in his arms.

"Oh my god, Tommy." Felicity raced over to where Oliver gently placed him on the couch. He was out cold.

"What happened?"

Oliver eyes were blazing a furious yellow as he said his name, "Slade. He knocked me out and tried to go after Tommy. Luckily, I was able to shift to my wolf. Tommy pulled out his amplifier and while Slade was momentarily immobilized he tried to extract his blood. Slade pushed him aside causing him to hit the wall and fled." Oliver looked down at Tommy sympathetically. "He hit his head. It is only a concussion, so he should be fine."

Oliver was pacing, and Felicity could feel the agitation coming off him in waves. He looked at her as she attended to Tommy. He needed to ask her about her dreams, or what he was starting to realize were premonitions.

"Felicity, I have to ask. Are the dreams you are having premonitions?"

"I...I don't know. I have never had them before. They started when I met you."

She looked perplexed but before they could discuss them further Tommy started to stir on the couch. He grimaced as he tried to sit up and placed his hand on the back of his head.

"Damn, I feel like I got hit by a mack truck."

"More like Slade. He pushed you and you hit the wall." Oliver's voice was stone cold, and Tommy glanced his way with a grimace.

"He got away." Tommy said the word with a slight edge of defeat.

"Yes, but not for long." Oliver had made a decision that neither one of them were going to like. "I am going to go find him. Alone."

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