Untitled Part 32

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Oliver and Nyssa approached the cabin and Nyssa could immediately smell the vampire that was waiting inside. Her eyes flared and Oliver felt her tense next to him. He placed a hand on her arm to stop her from going inside.

"I know you want to do this alone so I will wait for you here." His hand fell away as she turned to him and even with her anger at Damian, he could see the gratitude in her eyes. She didn't say a word and Oliver held back as she opened the door and went inside.


Damian heard the door to the cabin open and his eyes widened when he saw Nyssa walk into the room. The last time he had seen her had been when she found Sara's body. He had watched her from a distance and he could feel the pain radiating from her. He had quietly slipped away while she mourned her love and seeing her again was a surprise. She had been a timid, newly turned vampire back then and so he did not fear her. He was a hybrid. He could handle her.

"Nyssa. It has been a long time." He was acting smug and cocky and it immediately hit Nyssa the wrong way. She approached him, her fangs bared and her eyes flaring, and his smug smile dimmed a little as uncertainty set in.

She said nothing as she stopped in front of him and then removed a vial she had hidden in her pants pocket. She held it up with a sinister smile and when Damian read what was in the bottle, he suddenly realized he was not leaving the cabin alive.

He started struggling against his restraints as he watched her walk over to the kitchen. She pulled out a pitcher and filled it with water and then poured in the contents of the vial. She was careful not to spill a drop and when she turned to Damian he started screaming. He knew what was about to happen and he could not escape from it.

She walked over to him with a cold glint in her eyes, her lips curling into a cold smile. "You were the one that killed the villagers where my Sara lived. You were the one that let her die in your place because you were too much of a coward to own up to what you had done." She looked at the pitcher of water and then poured a small amount on his leg. He screamed as smoke billowed up from the small wound.

"Do you know what they did to her? They tortured her before they killed her." She poured more of the liquid, this time hitting his arm. He screamed again and this time his eyes teared up.

"There were marks all over her body from where they cut and burned her, trying to get her to confess that she was a vampire." This time she poured some into his lap and he screamed so loud his voice almost gave out. He almost passed out, so she waited a moment for him to recover.

"Then they cut off her head. Do you think she was dead when they did that?" Damian could not speak. The pain was excruciating.

She leaned down and caught his eye. "I am going to kill you, but before I do, I want you to know I have waited hundreds of years for this moment. I hope you rot in hell."

He started screaming again as he watched her arm raise and then she poured the remaining mixture over his head. His skin started to melt and finally his scream died as his body started to turn to dust. It was over in seconds and when there was nothing left of him, she threw the pitcher across the room turned and walked out the door.

Oliver had been standing outside and when he first heard Damian's screams. He wondered what punishment she was inflicting. However, his last few screams of pain and terror had hit Oliver in the gut and when Nyssa walked outside and he saw her face, he glanced inside. There was nothing left of Damian, but a pile of dust and Oliver's head whipped around to look at her.

"Did you use.......?

"Apa de usturoi (garlic water)."

Oliver was impressed. However, vampires had not been as susceptible to garlic as they once were. She saw the look on his face and she gave him a wry smile. "It was laced with silver."

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