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"Catra." Catra turned around. "Lonnie." From behind Lonnie came Kyle, Scorpia and Rogelio. Scorpia stepped up. "Catra you're coming back to the Horde. Wether you like it or not." Catra never got the chance to say anything because Lonnie and Rogelio had tackled her.

"Glimmer!" Bow yelled signaling Adora that Glimmer was coming. Adora quickly turned around and smiled. "Surprise!" She shouted. Glimmer stayed still not saying a word. Bow laughed awkwardly. "What? Never seen your best friends surprising you at your own party?" Glimmer crossed her arms. "Oh yeah, you surprised me by coming to the dance with a Horde solider." Bow and Adora didn't say a word.

"Oh my sweet Catra you're coming home!" Scorpia said lovingly picking up sleeping Catra and leaving.

  "What did you do to her Glimmer?" Adora asked putting her hands to her sides. Glimmer scoffed. "What were you thinking coming to the dance with.. her!" Adora got mad. "She has a name. Catra isn't on the Horde's side." Glimmer lifted an eyebrow. "Oh yeah then why is she leaving with the Horde right now!" Adora pushed Glimmer out of the way and ran out side. "Catra!" Scorpia closed the door and bragged through the glass that she now had possession of Catra. Adora stood there emotionless starring into the sky, watching as they left. Bow hugged Adora. "It's going to be okay. She will be okay Adora I promise." Adora hugged Bow tight and let the tears fall out. Glimmer, standing there, watching as Adora cried over the enemy.

They got back to the castle Adora didn't talk for two days straight. Just stared out into the world from her window. Glimmer sighed. Bow came in from the corner. "Catra wasn't trying to hurt us Glimmer." Glimmer turned to him. "No, she was planing something Bow there is no way they'd just throw her away like that." Bow held her hand. "I trust Catra, and Adora cares for her in a way I've ever seen her care for someone.." Glimmer hugged Bow keeping her cool. "I just don't want to lose either of you." Bow smiled. "And you never will." Glimmer let out a sigh of relief.

Catra was a prisoner, but she had her chance to escape. It was Scorpia's turn to watch her. "Scorpia please! You have to let me go!" You have to let me go, those words got stuck in Scorpia's mind. "Why.." Catra was confused. "Why do you like her so much!?" Scorpia asked quietly Catra sighed. "I.. I don't know, she's just really important to me, she always has been." Scorpia scoffed. "Same thing every time." She unlocked Catras chains. "Go." She said not looking at Catra. "Just go before I change my mind." Catra ran.

Glimmer was going to apologize to Adora. She took a deep breath in and out, she walked into her bedroom. "Adora.." she gasped when she saw Adora jump out of the window. "Adora!" She teleported to save her but Adora landed in the arms of Catra. "Hey princess miss me?" Adora got out of Catra's a and hugged her. "What is going on her!" Glimmer said walking up to them. They immediately separated. "Glimmer give her a chance! Please!" Glimmer gave a long pause, she really didn't want to believe her. But Adora clearly cared for Catra. "Okay. Only because I like you Adora." Adora smiled and almost held Catra's hand.

BOOM. They heard coming from the village. It shook the ground. "Oh no." Catra said as she started running towards the explosion. When Catra came to it. It was Liv and Emily's home. "No! No!" Catra yelled digging into the rubble. She found Emily. "Emily! Where's Liv!?" She picked Emily up and rushed her to Adora. Adora took Emily in her arms as Emily pointed to an arm sticking out of the ashes where the kitchen used to be. Catra began to dig. "Liv! No! Talk to me!" She placed her ear next to her chest. 1 2 3 she whispered and blew into Liv's mouth. "Come on Liv." She blew again. "Come on Liv!" She blew again. She pressed her ear against Liv's chest. Catra looked at Liv. She moved Liv's hair out of her face. "No.. no!" She yelled collapsing into Liv's soulless body, sobbing holding her hand. Glimmer had tears in her eyes. She never knew Catra could love people. "L...Liv.." Emily's voice was raspy. Catra picked Liv up and brought her towards Emily. Emily began sobbing quietly. Catra's eyes were blood red. Now you couldn't see pain in them but anger. They took them both to the hospital and stayed in the chair next to Emily holding her hand while Liv was in the emergency room. "Who were they to Catra?" Glimmer asked Adora who were in the doorway. "They were.. like Catra's mother figures." They stayed quiet.

Hours passed by Glimmer fell asleep on Adora's shoulder until they were woken up but what sounded like soldiers marching. They demanded for Catra. Adora and Glimmer rushed into the room with Catra just a few seconds before the soldiers. "Catra." She got up. "Yes?" She asked curiously. A man came from behind them. "You're coming home." Adora whispered to Catra. "That guy looks a lot like you.." Catra stood still. "Yeah. Too much."

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