35- The Voice

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still have my phone taken away :( 



River's POV


I hull her into my arms. Her weight is too light as I run her into the hospital Marlee not far behind. Amberly mumbles words in what I think is another language. I look down to see her face. It's pale, her cheekbones are sunken and her under eyes look hollow. Her hair is dull and thin.

They take her away from my grasp as soon as I make it through the doors, leaving Marlee and I alone wondering what happened.

"So I guess since Amberly is getting treated we should go on a date," I look at her funny making her laugh. "Not date, date. Food date. Do you like sushi?"

I shake my head in disgust just hearing the word making her frown.

"You're no fun that's Amberly's favourite food to eat. Come on let's go get burritos," She waves me over making me follow like a lost puppy, towards her car. It's a convertible.

"Didn't know you drove," I saw examining the soft leather seats as I got in the passenger side. 

"Didn't know you played football,' She says sarcastically starting the engine. 

It's a quiet ride for the most part until I decide to be a man and start a conversation.

"So how did you and Amberly become friends?" I ask. She looks over at me then back on the road, turning down the music.

'It was in I think fourth grade. I was new to C.C.T elementary. I had no friends for like ever. I was always jealous of Amberly, she was very pretty, had the fancy braids in her hair, and all the boys would be around her. So being me and having no Friends I decided to start being mean to her, and spread rumors about Amberly. It was the 4th grade kind of rumors like, Amberly kissed Dawson on the cheek. Amberly picks her nose. Amberly didn't mind it because no body believed me. So i went on to the physical bullying. I would push her around during recess, knock over her water bottle and pencil crayons, making her have to pick them up. Then on time we were playing soccer and I shoved her to the ground. I ended up breaking her ankle and scrapping her knee. Actually if you see on her left knee there's a line, that's the scar I gave her. Anyway the teachers ended up sending me to the office, since I was too young to get suspended I had to be forced to be her friend."

"So you guys are friends because you broke her ankle and got forced to be nice to her?" I ask thinking of what a weird way to start such a great friendship.

"Yep, pretty much," She chuckles making me laugh. We soon pull into the parking lot and walk towards the Burrito store. The bell rings indicating a new customer has arrived. I walk over to order my food when the girl behind the table's eyes lock with mine.

'Elise, you work here?" I ask startled. She smirks then looks over to Marlee.

"Looks like you moved on to the next play toy, whats for dinner sex?" Elise snickers at her little joke.

"Bitch please, How about you let us order our food and leave before you find my hands around your neck," Marlee says through her teeth, she is obviously getting mad. Elise's focus is now on Marlee she leans against the counter, taunting her. It happens fast, Marlee's hands moves quick and soon intertwine around Elise's neck, then she squeezes making Elise choke cough. 

"Stop now," Elise pleas face turning pale. 

"Would you like to repeat what you just said about River and I having a thing, or would you like to live?" Marlee's voice is stern, too stern. 

"Marlee stop," I put my hand on her shoulder.

"River you don't know how to fight like a girl," Then her focus is back on Elise.

"NO," Elise squeaks, Marlee loosens her grip making Elise gasp for air. 

"If I hear you ever say that River and I have a 'thing' I will slap your slutty face so hard your makeup will run," She snarls," Now I would like the Chicken Burrito on a whole wheat tortilla."


Amberly's POV


Waking up my head throbs, the steady thump of a migrane kicking in. I see they had hooked me back up to that sugar stuff again making me sigh. I untangle the bed sheet and my hospital gown which I've changed into once again, to reveal the tube that pumps the sugary fluid into me. I look up and ease the tube out of me sucking my breath in. It was like a pinch of pain, then a pop of when it came out. I go over to the screen showing my heart beat and other stuff. Underneath is the hook holding onto the bag I press a few buttons trying to stop the flowing liquid, ending on the last button it stopped, but a harsh alarm pierced through the air. I scramble trying to turn the annoying sound off when I see doctors and nurses burst through the door and rush to my bed side. One of the doctors fidgets with the buttons then the sound stops leaving utter silence for what lasts for about a secoond. Soon the noise of their shoes sqeaking against he floor and the rustle of their uniform fills the air as they rush to but me back ont he liquid. 

"Stop!" I scream twisting to get away from their hands. "Don't touch me!"  I swat at them trying to get them to stop. 

They're going to make you fat, A voice in my head says outloud. I nod in agreement.


Ana is now kicking in the story......

Had Starbucks today :D 


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