Chapter 11: We're FAMILY!?

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Weeks after of being stuck in a coma. Daigo finally woke up in a hospital room.

"Daigo?", asked the nurse, "your friends and your little brother are here to see you."

"Okay, thanks." Daigo thanked the nurse, and all his friends rushed into the room.

"Ohmigosh, ohmigosh! Daigo! You're finally awake.", squealed Valt.

"Ain't you one tough boy.", said Ukyo.

"Heh, yeah. I think I'm ready to go home, now.", Daigo started to hop out of bed. Silence fell all throughout the room.

"Uh, please don't freak.", warned Hoji. "What? Is it because I have a... *looks behind* tail?", he was quite weirded out. For some reason, all fourteen bladers' realmstones were glowing, same with the eleven stones at CHS, three stones at South City, and six stones at the Ninjago Academy. It seemed very important.

All thirty-four arrived at the same place, at the same time. "Ahh, you're all here.", Cyrus Borg. "Huh, this is bigger than my lab.", marveled Twilight. Believe it, or not, but Cyrus has seen the news of the five "threats", or so-called "heroes".

"What are six chairs doing here?", questioned Kai. "Hmm, maybe the legend isn't wrong, for you are standing  before Six, uh Five guardians?", Mr. Borg was confused, "where's the Sixth?"

"Umm, excuse me.", peeped Ryota, "I believe I'm the sixth."Cyrus did see that the young boy did not have a tail, "very well, then. I need you and the Five to sit in this chairs. The rest of the you, come with me." Cyrus told them that this will help the Six communicate whit their long-lost father. Cyrus turns on the machine.

The machine sends to a digital world, "whoaaa! Ugh.", Scootaloo.

"What is this place? Wait, are we dreaming?", Soarin' pinched himself just to make sure.

"I don't know about you guys, but this seems oddly familiar.", the place they all have ended was a virtual digi-verse.

"Who's that over there in the distance?", Zane.

"I think he wants us to go over there.", said Daigo. And so they did. There was a man wearing a blue suit, had rainbow hair, and a Saiyan tail.

"My... children is it really you", the six looked confused.

"Who are you exactly?", asked Daigo.

Kento smiled, "how do you not remember me? I'm your father." Daigo's eyes widened, Ryota got behind Daigo, Scootaloo stepped back. "D-D-Dad?!?", for the first time in their life they all finally found out who they are.

"Father, is that you?", asked Zane. Kento smiled, " yes, it's me. You don't remember me because... I turned off your memory switches."

Something had occurred to them, were they even human at all? Were they not alive? "Wait. We're...", Rainbow started, but was stopped by her own feelings. "I built you.", their farther was actually an inventor. Scootaloo was tearing a bit, she had other way to express her feelings. Just that. Soarin' fell to his knees. "You know none this tension matters, because we're together.", Daigo was felt his heart warm up by the sight of his father.

Their father, Kento Kuro-Julien was alive after all these years. Scootaloo ran and hugged her dad. The hug soon became a group hug. It was a really tender moment. "After all these years, I finally found all of you. If only your mother was here, she'd be so proud.", all six siblings were overjoyed to see their old man. "Anyway, Dad?", asked Zane, "old are we exactly?" Kento replied with a calm and easy voice, "Zane, you're fifty-nine years old so you're  the oldest, followed by your little brother, Soarin' who is now eighteen. Rainbow Dash is seventeen, Scootaloo is thirteen. Daigo and Ryota are the youngest." "Aww man. Come on, Dad, honestly I thought I was older than Soarin'.", whined Rainbow Dash. "Hah! Apparently not.", chuckled Soarin'. "You all should be going now.", said Kento, "you should stop by sometime." "But, we just met you. You think we can stay here a little bit longer?", Ryota didn't want to leave his dad. "Sorry, son. You can't stay here." "Come on, bro. We're going now.", said Daigo, "we're missing you already, Dad."

After that moment, everything was like life was able to move forward again. Something they had lost was finally found. They don't know about their mother, though, but it was enough to get them moving. They were together, and that's what mattered most.

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