Chapter 22: The Secret is Out

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Five hours go by fast when you're flying with your siblings. The six Android siblings found their dad talking with their grandpa. Once they landed, they were eager to share their experience with their father, "Dad! Dad! We just found out we have rocket boots.", said Ryota. Dr. Julien praised his grandchildren, but Kento had a grieving look on his face, "I don't think I have what it takes to call you my children." That struck in the heart at least one-hundred times. "What? Dad? Do you not love us anymore?", questioned Ryota, "I-I don't want you six anymore." "*Voice cracked* Let's go, guys.", Rainbow and her siblings flew out of the complex with no thought. 'He... disowned us.', they just lost their father... again.

"Hey, President Stone, sir?", said a guard, "I've got six unidentified flying objects zooming through the city." "What?", Stone had always wanted to have control over Metro City, he would anything to get re-elected, "looks like blue Core energy, enough to power my six Peace Keepers." He told his pilots to after Kento's children, "WARNING!", warned P.I.X.E.L., "there's missles coming in behind you." They looked behind, and dodged. "Sir, it looks like the Cores' energy is coming from these children." President Stone was getting impatient, "I don't care I want those Cores, now!" "Let's fly, guys." The six had to fight and fly to get away from those people. When they least expected, Stone shot missiles at them again, "critical hit! Yes.", exclaimed President Stone, "wait. Wh-where are they going?" "To the surface, sir." "I need those Cores! Send out a search party, and bring them to me."

"*Groans in pain* W-what just happened?" Rainbow Dash was really disoriented, "*gasp* Scoot? Soarin'? You guys alright?" "Why would Father disown us like that?", asked Zane, "that's the least of my worries, why are so many people after us?", added Ryota. "Hmm, let's seek help while we're down here.", said Daigo, the others agreed. They went on foot, until they heard very familiar voices, it was their friends. "Twilight, Sunset? What are you doing here?", confusion just fell all over them, "there you guys are, we've been looking all over the city for y'all.", said Applejack. "Twilight, over there, sorta talked us into looking for you, I'll explain it on the way.", said Shu. They all stopped, "we'll rest here, guys.", said Honcho, "we can go to Hamegg's in the morning." "Who is Hamegg?", asked Ryota, "oh, he is amazing! He loves building and fixing robots.", answered Nika. They went to sleep, but Rainbow Dash couldn't sleep. Fluttershy woke up only to see her friend sitting on a hill, "Dashie?", Rainbow jumped a little bit, "jeez, Flutters. Even for a shy girl, like you, you started me." They both giggled. "So, how are things going with your father?", Rainbow didn't want to talk to anyone, but Fluttershy has been her friend since Pre-K. "*Sigh* That's just it. I starting to think that this family I live with is... just complicated. I don't know if I can call him my father now.", Dash felt a soft hand on her own, "Dash... I know how you." Fluttershy smiled at Rainbow Dash, and Rainbow smiled back. After a one whole minute... "*Clears throat* Umm, anyway. I think I'm gonna go to sleep. Night." "Oh, okay. Good night, Dashie. *blushes*" Rainbow Dash walked away, blushing, 'I think I have a crush on Flutters. *chuckles*'

In the morning, the 34 friends trekked back to Hamegg's house, but they came across a century-old robot. "What is that?", Rarity was disgusted by the look and the smell. "Maybe we can carry this big ol' rust bucket.", said Apple Bloom. "Wait.", Soarin' went inside, 'they would freak if they knew I could carry this big guy.', "ZOG. Hmm, you're not dead, you're just pretending." Soarin' pulled up his shirt, "c'mon, big guy. Time to wake up." *STOMP STOMP* "Mornin', Hamegg!" He marveled the robot. "This is robot was out for a century, how did you get it up and running?", Soarin' was flattered, "well, um, I just kicked the main source." The six hoped that their secret doesn't get out. They cleaned and decorated ZOG.

"The Robot Games. You know these robots fight until one's destroyed.", Hamegg glared at the six. "*Gulp*" Gohan seemed really interested, "really?" "Yeah, here it's not like Metro City where they smile and laugh like us. So... I don't mind if I do THIS!" "AAHH!" "*Chuckles* I can't believe it worked!", Hamegg wanted those six Androids DESTROYED. "W-Why did you do that?", "They're are friends.", confusion and worry fell. "Come on, you're all teenagers, well more or less. But, come on, are you blind?! THEY'RE ROBOTS." "WHAT?! But...", they didn't understand. "Somebody  programmed them to be your friends, but they aren't really nice. They are very powerful machines.", Hamegg tased the six robots. Their friends felt betrayed, but real worried, "what are you going to do with them?", asked Cuza, "*evil snicker* Take a wild guess..."

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