Chapter 23: Part 1 - Robot Humanity

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"Where are we?", Daigo and his siblings found themselves in a stadium. They felt all alone, all their watching them from the seats. "Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see these six robots personally don't think much on OUR fighting machines.", Hamegg was getting the crowd riled up, hence he was looking forward to seeing these kind, friendly, yet powerful robots get destroyed. "They never said or thought anything like that.", squeaked Fluttershy, "they never said they were robots either.", Sunset wasn't taking this "betrayal" lightly, the others just... felt sorry for them.

When Hamegg released first robot for the six Androids to go up against, they refused to fight. "We're not fighting, Hamegg.", they stood ground, but they would fight for self-defense. "Guys, scatter.", ordered Zane, they activated their rockets and flew. Rainbow Dash wanted out of there, she flew straight up, obviously there was a force-field, "looks like we get out unless we win.", stated Soarin'. "Yeah as if she didn't notice that.", now everything was just getting salty. "*Gasp*", an idea popped in Zane's head, "Ryota, time to be a distraction." With the help of Daigo and Scootaloo, Zane's plan was golden. They won round number one, "way to go, guys!", Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle cheered for their friends, the others approved of their success. "No time to rest, we still have more robots to face." Rainbow was born ready for any challenge that came.

These six robots used their brains over their brawn. They actually impressed their friends, and were able to gain their trust back. Hamegg might've underestimated them, big time, "*growls in frustration* Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em!" "Heheh. It's about time we use our elemental powers.", said Scootaloo. "Don't just stand there, you junk pile, DESTROY THEM!", how could they show Hamegg like that? Either they were trying to show that they were not like the other robots, or they're just trying to survive. The dust cleared. Zane, Soarin', Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Daigo, and Ryota trailed the smoke, "*heavy breathing* We... won." All their friends just screamed with joy. "Now. Time for the final challenger. A robot so big, so fierce, even I'm afraid to watch." Hamegg introduced the six's last challenger, "I give you the mighty ZOG. Let's see how the world 'strongest' robot do with the SAME energy they've got." "OK, guys. I'm going to be serious here, but... WHAT IS THIS DUDE'S PROBLEM?", scream panicked Jay. "No way, we're going to fight to with you, ZOG.", they just stood their ground, the crowd thought ZOG was going to crush them, ZOG picked them and held them up victoriously. "What are you doing? I said FIGHT!", ordered Hamegg tasing the six robots, "hey! That's enough.", yelled Twilight. "So you think... *chuckling*," the poor robots were already weak as it is, but Hamegg was going to shut them off, "you think I'm going to be shown up by a hotshot, a speeding rock, and a thundering speedster from Canterlot High? A half-and-half mistake, a wet kid from Beigoma? And one walking glacier from the Spinjitzu Temple?" "Leave them alone. You're hurting them!" ZOG had enough, he shook the ground, he was getting to stomp on Hamegg." "Wait, the rules of robotics you can't hurt a human!", protested Hamegg, "I'm old-school." The crowd gasped, but did ZOG really crush Hamegg? In a split second, Scootaloo saved him, "what kind of robot are you??", he got confused. Until...

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