Chapter 5: History Is Happening In Manhattan Highschool Part 1

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Third Person POV

As Samuel walked out of the last class of the day, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was free, and he could send time with Y/N. The perfect, beautiful, amazing, talented-"SNAP OUT OF IT SEABURY!!" He said as he saw Y/N holding hands with George King. "She's dating someone..." he thought sadly. Y/N noticed him and she smiled, as she walked towards him. George, however, frowned as Samuel and Y/N conversed, laughing and smiling like old friends. "So George, Samuel and I are going to Debate Club, I'll see you later !" She said. As she walked back to Samuel, Samuel could feel his jealousy and glare on him, and rolled his eyes. "As if he would get away from her long enough for me to get a word of my feelings in." He thought as he looked at the paper Y/N handed him. "Some of these look really interesting." He said as he and Y/N looked at the clubs.

Old Building-Floor 1 Room 125
Sewing/Art Club, Run by Elizabeth Schuyler

Old Building-Floor 2 Room 209
Women Empowerment Club, Run by Angelica Schuyler

Old Building-Floor 3 Room 311
Save The Earth, Run by John Laurens

York Commons
Debate Club, Run By Mr. Washington

Arts Building-Floor 3 Room A345
Book Club, Run By Peggy Schuyler

New Building-Floor 1 Room 108
Writing Club, Run By Thomas Jefferson

New Building-Floor 2 Room 221
Newspaper, Run By Alexander Hamilton

New Building-Floor 3 Room 369
Student Government, Run By Mr. Washington

Fencing Club, Run By Joseph Lafayette

Y/N grabbed his hand, too busy running with him to notice him blushing like a tomato. "SHES HOLDING MY HAND OH GOODNESS LORD SAVE ME." He thought as they ran through the halls. They finally arrived at the York Commons. And it was beautiful. The rocks as grounding formed the school crest, and there was a nice breeze blowing through the blooming cherry blossoms trees. The wooden tables had their umbrellas up and chairs were all sitting there, quietly. Samuel could sense that any second, someone was going to wreck havoc on the beautiful peace and quiet.

( SHOUT OUT TO @liv-gryffinpuff and @madshphamiltonlover ! You know where I got inspiration for the commons!)

"WHAT TIME IS IT?!" shouted Laurens as he and what everyone called the "Hamilsquad" rolled in.
"SHOWTIME!!" They all shouted as they roared with laughter. Samuel simply rolled his eyes. Y/N noticed this and whispered in his ear.
"I know they are something arrogant, obnoxious, loudmouths and bothers-

( *cough* 1780 a wInTeRs bAlL *cough*

-but you have to get know to them first. They can be nice." She said with a smile. Samuel sighed and, as he couldn't say no to her.
"I'll try..." he said. Right when he said those words, Mr. Adams walked out of the building and onto the commons.
"Students, students. Today is the first meeting with debate club! Today's debate will be on whether we should have Mr. Hamilton as our class treasurer. I will only choose two people for this debate. Hamilton!" He said, pointing to Alexander. Alexander brushed off his coat and walked to the debate circle. "Hmmm....How about...You! Brown hair in the back!" Washington said. Y/N was happy and excited. Samuel, on the other hand, was on borderline fainting. "Well, I did this 243 years ago. How hard could it be to do it again?" He thought as he nervously walked to the front.

~ Time Skip To Debate Brought To You By General Wheeee~

"I should be treasurer because I am smart, capable, and know what people in this class want. Seabury over here doesn't know anything! I do what it takes to get to where I need to be fast. Samuel is a slow creole bastard. I am fashionable, I give off a good image of our school. Seabury what are you even wearing? They look like rags to me!" He ranted, and the whole Hamilsquad was laughing. Samuel didn't care, but Y/N was A N G R Y. Seabury saw this and give her a look that said "Stand down." She sighed, smiled at him, and sat down. Hamilton kept ranting, and Seabury just listened, not getting angry at his taunts. That was, until Hamilton hit a soft spot.

"And what about you Y/N? You hang out with this dude? Well, ugly weirdos stick together I guess." He said as he shrugged. All time stopped in that moment. Seabury was ENRAGED. And when he was enraged, the shy cute personality left and was immediately replaced by hatred and violence. "Hey Hamilton?" Said Samuel. "What?" Said Alexander. "My turn." Said Samuel smirking. Everyone was scared. He never smirked. But what he did shocked everyone even more. He started singing.

" An open letter to the fat, arrogant, anti-charismatic school-wide embarrassment known as Mr. Alexander Hamilton." he sung walking around Hamilton. The tension was thick.

Everyone looked at each other in shock at his words "Shit." Said Y/N, slightly excited about what is going to happen next.

"The man's irrational, he claims that I'm ugly. With my looks and very annoying personality!" Samuel said this as he walked over to an awe-struck Hamilton.
"BITCH, please!" He said as he slapped him.

Everyone was silent, but in absolute and total shock, none more than Hamilton himself. But Y/N with her jaw on the ground, was a pretty close second.

"You wouldn't know what I'm doin'. You're always going off, fool! But you never show up to school. Give my regards to Laurens, next time you talk about my lack of mental compass! At least I do my work up in this rumpus.

Everyone was shook. So they responded the way a normal group of high schoolers would if someone was getting burned. "Oh!!!!!" They all shouted. Meanwhile, Samuel, having no idea where this came from, just continued.

"The line is behind me, I crossed it again!" He said as he got up in Hamilton's face. "While Mr. Hamilton lost it again! Aw, such a rough life. Better run, tell your boyfriend
'Yo, lost cause is at Starbucks again'." He sung. People where cheering, mostly Jefferson and James Reynolds.
"Let me ask you a question who sits
At your desk when you're skipping?
They were calling you a prick back at 7:06
And you really haven't done anything new since. You're a nuisance with no sense! You'll die of irrelevance!" he spat as he slammed his hands on the table of the chair he had backed Hamilton into.

"Go ahead, you aspire to my level
Right now, your brain cells are flying
Say hi to the grave cause your dying!
And the kids all around me, maybe they can confirm. I don't care if I kill my reputation with this talk, I'm confining you to all blocks! Sit down, Hamilton, you piece of trash!" He said. He breathed a breathe and turned around to the people who were watching, who was basically all of their class. It was like the eye of a hurricane, where there was quiet, for just a moment, across the commons. He looked up and the whole class had its eyes on him. Everyone began chanting his name. Even Hamilton's friends had to admit, that was GOOD. This lasted a while before some kids left, while others came up to Seabury. The last one came from the one and only Y/N. "Hey Samuel?" She said, holding a copy of War and Peace to her chest. He smiled at her and replied. "Yes Y/N?" She grabbed his hand and shook it. "Thanks for defending me. Although I could have done it myself." She said. He smiled. "No problem at all. Tis my duty to keep my friends safe." He said, slightly blushing. "I've got to run and grab some things from my metal box." He said. Y/N rolled her eyes and laughed. "You mean your locker?" She said as it was the most obvious thing in the world. Samuel blushed deeper and began stuttering. "O-oh so t-that's what it's c-called." He said as he walked away. As soon as he thought she couldn't see him, he started running. Y/N still saw this and giggled. "He's so cute when he blushes and smiles. And his eyes..." she thought dreamily. Reality punched her in the stomach. "I HAVE A LOVING BOYFRIEND NO NO NO I AM NOT TURNING THIS INTO CHEATING." She thought, erasing the very thought from her mind.

~ Time Skip Brought To You By Lams as Lambs~

As Samuel walked through the old building, he noticed there wasn't anyone here but him. He shrugged it off. "Everyone just probably had way too much homework to stay late." He thought. As he walked down the hall, he saw a stray corridor with a flickering light. He become curious and walked down it. When he reached the end, he saw an open window at the end of an open classroom. "I should close that." He thought as he entered the room. He closed the window quickly. "I want to get the bloody hell out of here." He thought. Suddenly, the door slammed, and a looming figure walked to him. As it approached him, he walked backwards until he hit a wall. "Who are you?!" Samuel screeched, scared for his life. The figure only smiled, and that was the last thing Samuel remembered before he blacked out.



1,593 words
1,593 WORDS

damn. DAMN.

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