I got taggedddd

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Hola everyone! So I'm almost out of the woods with school and my mood, my friends were there for me because they are all so amazing. Next chapter will be out on Friday at the latest! Also thanks to Uzuraam for tagging me! Now, onto the tag!

 Next chapter will be out on Friday at the latest! Also thanks to Uzuraam for tagging me! Now, onto the tag!

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1. Name?

Ok honestly I don't feel comfortable sharing my first name on Wattpad but you guys can call me Marie bc that's one of my middle names 😁

2. Age?


3. Do you have a crush on someone?

Ohh boy. OH BOY. I have so many crushes that it hurts (mostly fictional characters bc they're just AMAZING)

4. Who is it?

If I had to choose a living person, Aidan Gallagher 100%. I don't thirst over him, though he is really cute. I respect him for all the work he does as a UN Goodwill Ambassador and as an actor. And let's be real, the boy can SING LIKE AN ANGEL.

5. What's your favorite holiday and why?

Christmas because who doesn't want two weeks off of school?? Plus my school gives no Christmas break hw so it means more me time (AKA read and write fanfic time)

6. If you could travel anywhere it the world, where would you go?

I'd go to Rome because I'm a mythology nerd and would see all the temples and sites.

7. What's your favorite musical besides Hamilton?

Dear Evan Hansen. I love it so so much!

8. Name five people who are special to you

1. My mom
2. My dad
3. My sister
4. My best friend, Ellimac77
5. My friends (this isn't one person but they are all very special to me)

Tag your friends and say something nice about them

Ok lemme see... I think I'm just gonna do people on Wattpad

1. My cousin, Ellimac77 aka Camille. She has been with me since we were both less than a year old, and has been my rock ever since.

2. My friend, Hufflepuff_Sebastion aka Lily. She is the most energetic Hufflepuff you'll ever meet. But she's so sweet and kind that you won't notice her dragging you off a cliff.

3. My friend, madshphamiltonlover aka Madeleine. She is a chaotic neutral Gryffindor who will kill you with her Doc Martins. But underneath that she's a softie with a big heart.

4. My other friend, Madeleine's twin sister liv-gryffinpuff aka Olivia. She's a semi-calm Hufflepuff who is VERY aesthetic in everything she does.

5. I don't think any other of my friends are on Wattpad so yeee

In your opinion, who's the best Mario character?

It's OBVIOUSLY Waluigi

It's OBVIOUSLY Waluigi

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