chapter one

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It was a normal beautiful day in the city of love for Marinette the sun seemed to be shining down on her because for once she wasn't late for school. She made it on time and sat next Alya as usually to stare at the back of a certain blondes hair but he wasn't there leaving her to wait and chat with her bestie. Adrien  soon joined the class and Marinette's eyes filled with hearts until she noticed a hand was attached to Adrien's. "Looks like we have a new student... Please introduce yourself Miss." The teacher called. The blunette girl glanced around the room with a stoic face before Adrien gave her hand a small squeeze. She then gave a light smile, "I'm Kagami. It's nice to meet you all." The class greeted her happily minus Marinette who glared with jealousy and heart ached with pain. Alya adjusted her glasses then looked at her best friend. "Girl..." "I'm going to the bathroom..." She excused herself from the homeroom class and made it to the bathroom before she broke down in tears. Tikki tried to comfort her but she was too upset to listen. She leaned against the wall hugging her knees and burying her face as she sobbed angry sad tears. She felt that life as she knew it was over, the love of her life was dating someone and that someone wasn't her. She weakly grabbed a bathroom magazine that had a picture of Adrien on it to hug. "Oh Adrien..." She didn't even get to build the courage to confess to her crush of two years she was a coward and due to her fear she was now broken hearted as well. Tikki still attempted to comfort her until she saw the Akumatized butterfly. The red kwami gasped, "Marinette Marinette you must calm down please!" She begged Marinette's watery red eyes looked at the butterfly then glanced at her Kwami. "I'm sorry..." "No!" Tikki screamed before Marinette grabbed the butterfly. The Akuma took over as she listen to Hawkmoth Tikki fled out of instinct to go find master Fu while Marinette was transformed into Shattered Heart. Cat Noir jumped into action the moment Shattered Heart attacked but he was no match for a girl with a broken heart.

Luckily Tikki was working on her own plan. She with the help of Master Fu gathered Alya, Nino and surprisingly Chole to help. "Are you sure they can handle this master? They are all still very new at this and only helped a few times..." Tikki questioned. "They will do what is right." Fu replied. "I won't let Dupain-Cheng hurt my Adrikens! You can count on it!" Queen Bee shouted with determination. "Marinette is my best friend... I have to help her." Alya voiced and Nino nodded in agreement. Tikki gave a nod and the team scattered to help Cat Noir. "Even with the power power of the cat I fear this still will not be enough without the bug... I've never seen such power from an Akuma..." Master Fu stroke his beard. Tikki waited patiently before he picked up the another miraculous. "This is risky because he isn't part of the main team but I feel that this is necessary... I need someone for the snake miraculous." Tikki stared at the bracelet then smiled, "I have the perfect choice! But we must hurry!" fu gave a nod and fallowed the trusted Kwami. Back at the school Shattered Heart destroyed everything in her path has she tried to reach Kagami. Hawkmoth of course tricked her, telling her to get rid of the blunette fencer so that Adrien would be with her, she was blinded by jealousy and sadness to see the light. "Marinette I know you're upset but I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt your feelings they probably weren't even aware of them! Don't let Hawkmoth use you..." Cat Noir tried to reason with her for what seemed like the tenth time since they began to fight. Carapace and the others showed up to help. "Where is Ladybug?" Queen Bee questioned. "I don't know... But we have to stall until she gets here..." Carapace protected the teachers and students while the others attacked Queen Bee desperately tried to sting her with her venom but she couldn't manage to get close to her. "Who knew someone like Marinette possessed such sick skills... She awesome!" Carapace voiced in amazing making his teammates frown at him. "Who's side are you on turtle dude geez..." Cat Noir called before getting kicked back by Shattered Heart. Carapace had done a great job of making sure all is civilians left the area before attempting to join the fight but as the heroes attempted to fight Tikki and a masked man in a snake texture black and cyan suit. "This is Viperidae, he is here to help." Tikki announced. "We need Ladybug!" Rena Rouge shouted "not another newbie!"

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