chapter two

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Ladybug stared at him with mouth hanging slightly open. He gave a sheepish smile and rubbed his neck, "I'm flattered you actually remember who I am... I told you I remember those eyes... You have saved my mom, my sister and even me when I was Akumatized..." She gave an awkward face and rubbed her arm. "Oh yeah... Well as a hero I try to remember everyone's name but um... You really didn't have to relieve yourself to me." "I want you to know I trust you, we are going to be on the same team so trust is important." Hiss gave a nod, "it was hisss choice and hisss choice alone." She gave a small smile, "thank you..." "I'll see you around Ladybug." Luka gave a nonchalant wave and walked away. She gave a sigh and returned home to detransform. Marinette laid on her bed with a huff. Tikki watched her for a moment before floating by her side. "Marinette..." "Things just don't feel right now Tikki... I can't explain it but everything is happening so quickly... Cat Noir dating... Rena Rouge and the others being full time heroes... Luka a hero... Its just too much..."  She covered her face with her pillow. "Things will be better in the morning, just get some rest okay." The red Kwami claimed not knowing what else to say. The blunette attempt to sleep and hoped the next day would be better. She woke up early the next day and felt somewhat better. She arrived at school on time but when she went to put her bag in her locker a note feel out. Marinette picked it up curiously with Tikki peaking out of her purse. "What is it?" "It's from Luka..."

Marinette hugged the note and shoved it in her purse before skipping off to class. Tikki being nosy took a peak at the note he left the blunette girl. "Hair dark as the midnight sky... Eyes blue as the pure ocean waters... Lips pink as rose petals... Skin fair as peaches and cream... Smile bright as the sun beaming down... Laugh sweet as the music I hear in my heart... Heart bigger then you'll ever know... You bring so much joy to my life and inspire many of the songs I write, you are my muse and I hope you counting being you..." Tikki couldn't help but smile at the cheesy note to cheer Marinette up and it seemed to work. The blunette girl wore a happy smile and hummed as she went to her classes. Alya of course noticed but didn't have a chance to ask until lunch rolled around. "Girl your head is in the clouds... What's gotten into you?" "Luka left me a note in my locker." "What no way! Give me the scoop was it his confession of love?" Alya pratically squealed making Marinette give a small laugh, "no he did that in person... The note was jus- "girl he confess to you and you didn't tell me about it?! Tell me everything! How could you forget to tell me that!" The blogger cut her off. "Sorry... Alot was going on. Remember when Bob Roth announces a contest where contestants have two weeks to submit an original music video? I helped design the costumes for the music video and film the video but after sending it to Bob Roth XY coped our idea. Kitty Section and I go to confront Bob, Luka and I sneak in but Both Roth denies we accuse him of despite what we tell him... Luka and I were both upset but Luka thought it was best to leave it alone, I didn't and continued to argue with Bob which led to threats. Luka witnessing Bob threaten me and he hit is breaking point and was Akumatized. He confess to me as Silencer saying I'm an extraordinary girl. clear as a melody, sincere like a music note, and the song that he's been hearing ever since he first met me. He promises to let no one hurt me..." Marinette gave a dream like sihh before blushing and clearing her throat, "Ladybug and Cat Noir of course defeated him but later when I see Luka again I asked if he really meant what he said when he was akumatized. He claimed he didn't remember it doesn't remember... I told him it wasn't important. Luka says that he hopes he didn't say anything mean and then says exactly what he told me as Silencer..." Alya gave a smile, "so?" "So what?" "Girl what did you say back to him!?" Alya questioned. Marinette rubbed her arm. "Oh well... Um..." "You didn't say anything girl! That so wrong on so many levels!" The blogger scolded.

Marinette glanced at Adrien and Kagami who sat together, feeding each other grapes. She had to admit they made a cute couple and Kagami even seemed nicer around Adrien. Alya snapped her fingers in front of the blunette's face, "don't let that stop you..." She gave a nod in reply then texted Luka and asked if he wanted to meet after school. Butterflies filled her stomach as she waited outside of the Lycee school building and fiddled with the Jagged Stone guitar pick. Tikki peaked out of her bag but before she could speak Luka walked towards Marinette waving buy to his friends as he did so. "Hey." The blunette girl jumped slightly and almost dropped the guitar pick. "Oh hi..." She gave him an awkward smile. "I got your text." "Right um... Let's go somewhere and stalk... Talk..." He agreed with a nod and they walked for some privacy. It was alittle awkward and seemed more nerve racking for her with each step she took until he touched her shoulder, "Mari... I know what this is about." She blushed and quickly turned to him. "Y-you do?..." He rubbed his neck, "yeah..." He stepped closer to her and whispered, "you are Ladybug." Marinette stepped back at his words. "Wh-what that's... that's not what I wanted to talk to you! I um... I wanted to walk... Stalk... Talk to you aboat... about your confession." "Oh... That... You don't have to say anything about it, I was just telling you how I felt." He claimed with a laid back expression. "I do... I um... I like you. I like Adrien alot but since I've met you... You've um... I've..." She trailed off as her words got stuck in her throat. Luka touched her shoulder, "let's go get a coffee." She blushed but gave a small smile at his offer, "that sounds... Great..." They walked to a little cafe, the mood was lighter and Marinette felt more comfortable about the situation.

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