chapter 4

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Kitty Section was practicing for there next gig. Mylene, Nino, Alya and Marinette watched. The blunette teen did her best not to stare at him the electric guitar player as he zoned out into his music he played. Alya smiled at her best friend but said nothing. Luka was charming in subtle natural way and the nose blogger could see Marinette falling for him instantly even if she wasn't fully on board with the idea yet. After practice fish sticks were served. Luka talked with Ivan until Marinette approched him. He smiled at her as Ivan walked off to talk to Mylene. "Hey." "You sounded gate... great um... Can't wait to see your next gig but I'm gonna head home. I'll see you later." "Want me to walk you?" He asked and she gave a nod. Rose and Juleka smiled as they walked off together, Marinette waved at the others awkwardly as they left. The walk was quiet minus Luka humming a tune. Marinette would glance at him occasionally staring at his charming smile. He made her feel all warm and happy inside when she was around him. It made her forget about the blonde teen model. His  piercing blue eyes looked at her making Marinette blushed. "Something wrong?" "Oh N-no... Sorry just kind of spacing out." She claimed. "You look really cute today, I like your new clothes designed. Your really talented. I bet your little business will take off in no time." "Thanks I just want to move on to with my life and put everything behind me start a new." She explained feeling more comfortable as the eased into a conversation. He walked her home and gave wave when he left her at her door. She gave a small happy sigh then went inside. It had been weeks now that she been Akumatized. Master Fu and Tikki helped along with her friends. She took Adrien dating one day at a time she was sometimes okay with others days still crying about but things got better with time.

Luka keep his distance but was friendly towards her if she approched him, he liked her alot but didn't want to rush into things but when Marinette saw another girl getting too friendly with him a feel bubbled up in her gut. "Marinette" Tikki called, "Luka is pretty popular and nice... I'm sure it's nothing." Marinette watched them for a moment and blushed when Luka waved at her. She gave an awkward wave back before slowly approching his little group. "Hi..." "So this is her? She's cute..." Marinette smiled at the other girl, "oh um thanks..." "I was telling her about your designs and that you designed Jagged Stone's CD cover." Luka explained making the clumsy blunette feel stupid for even getting jealous in the first place but before anything else was said the bell rang. "Oh I better go, it was nice meeting you and keep up the good work." The older teen girl walked off. Luka smiled at Marinette and attempted to follow his friend but the blunette girl grabbed the hem of his jacket. "Luka... Um... Could we tall... Talk after school." He gave a nod yes but said nothing and walked off leaving butterflies in Marinette's stomach. "Marinette... Class..." Tikki reminded. "Class!" The blunette girl dashed off with a few stumbles as she hurried to class. Alya shook her head at Marinette when she finally arrived. The teacher scolded her as she took her seat. "Girl..." "I know... I know..." She replied almost out of breath. Classes went on until an Akuma attacked making the heroes jump into action.

Ladybug and her team made quick work and defeated the Akuma before school ended much to Hawkmoths anger. School soon ended and Marinette waited for luka by the door. She saw Adrien and Kagami leave hand in hand. Adrien gave a friendly wave as normal as they left while Marinette simply smiled. The blonde walked his girlfriend to her car and opened the door for her, she kissed his check before they went their separate ways. Adrien got in his car and Plagg peaked out. "Today was a long day..." The blonde sighed, "it was a good day. Everything is going perfect, dad has been spending more time with me, Kagami and I are in the same class, the Akumas have been easy and this weekend Kagami is taking me this really school amusement park." Plagg rolled his eyes at his words and ate his cheese. "I still can't believe you really moved on..." "Oh come on Plagg... Ladybug wasn't interested in me... Not the real me... She wants the perfect shell of who I am... Marinette.... Chloe... Lila... They only want Adrien..." "And Kagami?" The black Kwami asked. "She likes Cat  Noir... Maybe not as much as Adrien but at least she respects me as a hero and... And shows appreciation... She even laughs at my jokes and it's not a fake laugh because nothing's fake about her... She's real... She honest..." He gave a smile and looked out the window while Plagg gave a sour look, "whatever kid..."

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