chapter 3

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Marinette sat in her room making new hero dolls with Manon eagerly watching with a smile on her face. "There all done!" "Who is it?" Manon asked as she grabbed the doll. "This is Paris' new hero! Viperidae!" The blunette teen replied. "Viper...dai?" The little girl questioned making Marinette laugh, "Viperidae... He helps Ladybug and her team by putting Akumas in a trans." "Ohhh that's cool! Viperdai to the rescue!" Manon shouted as she ran around the room with the new toy. Tikki watched with amusement from her hiding place. Marinette giggled to herself but let her play with the superhero dolls until her mother came and picked her up afterwards she relaxed alittle with a happy sigh. She listened to Jagged Stone and worked on some of her fashion designs.

Tikki flew around the room then glanced out the window to see Cat Noir jump by she glanced at Marinette who was currently drawing a sketch of a new dress. "Marinette Cat Noir is out, someone might be Akumatized." Marinette closed her book and transformed she took a glance around as she patrolled the area looking for the Cat but when she saw him he was with Kagami. He gave her a rose after her fencing practice and Ladybug smiled at the scene but it was bitter sweet knowing that Adrien was Cat Noir. She missed her chance and wasn't even sure what his breaking point was for him to move on but she knew it didn't matter now and left to detransform. "No villain Tikki just Cat Noir being a hopeless romantic..." She sighed and went back to her designs. Tikki gave a sad look knowing Marinette was still broken hearted yet confused all at the same time. "Time will heal things you will see. Just keep thinking positive thoughts." The blunette teen gave a nod but said nothing as she hummed trying to focus on something else.

The next day Marinette went to Mylene's house for some girl time and a fun filled sleep over. Alix brought lots of different snacks and Rose picked out a bunch of movies to watch. They giggled and chatted as they ate and watched movies, it was the perfect thing to lighten Marinette's mood. "Okay okay so Mari... What's with you and Luka? He's obviously got the hots for you... And we kind of think you like him too." Alix teased making the blunette blush. "Well..." "Marinette is still trying to get over Adrien... Don't push her." Mylene scolded gently making Alix sigh. "Let's play a game!" Rose suggested as she held up a board game. All the girls agreed and happily played a game but just as they got started an Akuma attacked leaving the girls to hide in Mylene's basement while Alya and Marinette jumped into action. The heroines met up with their teammates to take care of the Akuma villain. They fought together and defeated the villain quickly Ladybug stare lingered on Viperidae as she left with Rena Rouge. "Girl why don't you just go for it... Take a risk." "I still like Adrien... It still hurts when I see them together... I'm still kind of jealous too." She admitted making Rena Rouge shake her head, "we'll have to fix that... It's not healthy." Ladybug agreed with a nod before returning to their slumber party with their other friends.

Alya had a talk with the other girls while Marinette took a shower and they planned on ways to help her get over the blonde teen model. The girls did their best not to talk about Adrien or anything that would remind Marinette of the blonde boy. Marinette didn't seem to notice their little plan she was too busy enjoying her much needed girl time. They watched one last movie together before crashing in the living room. The next morning Mylene's mother made the sleepy hungry girls breakfast before they went their separate ways. Marinette went home and helped in the busy bakery until the rush hour died down then went to her room. "Last night was great." "I'm glad you had a good time but don't forget Monday you have meditation at master Fu's." "Right every day on weekdays." Marinette gave a nod and began to work on her fashion design sketches while Tikki casually yet secretly took down all the pictures at Adrien and Marinette sroom one by one. "Tikki..." Marinette called not looking up from her sketch book. "What are you doing?" "Cleaning." She replied before settling down on yhe blunette's shoulder to see what she drew. "That's a pretty dress... Reminds me of... A bee?" "I'm doing hero inspired clothing line what do you think so far? I've done Ladybug... Rena Rouge and Queen Bee so fair, still thinking of the guys suits." "They look great!" Tikki claimed with a smile making Marinette smile at her then glanced around her room. "Tikki..." "I just did some cleaning. It's for the best. How do you expect to get over him if you have his face every where?" She sighed at the Kwami, "you're right... Thanks..." Tikki gave a smile and hugged her check, "I'll have you smiling like your oldself in no time! You'll see."

Adrien watched Kagami practice fencing match along with Kagami's mother. He gave a smile, he loved the determined serious face she wore during her match with her personal trainer. "Graceful as gazelle... Fierce as a lioness... strong as an Elephant..." He whispered to himself in a dream like tone making Kagami's mother giggle. Adrien rubbed his neck and blushed with embarrassment but her mother said nothing until Kagami was finished. "Well done... Take a break... Prehaps have lunch with this handsome young man" Kagami bowed and hid a small blush. "Yes mother..." "You did great as always." Adrien complemented, "you have some catability." Kagami wore a blank face at first then gave a small laugh, "come on... Silly kitty..." He happily fallowed her inside for a snack. "I didn't think you would find me funny..." He admitted before she popped an orange slice in his mouth. "They are chessey but I kind of like them... Like you..." She replied boldly before cutting up an apple. He smiled but said nothing, Kagami always found away to make him speechless in the best way possible and he loved it. Plagg boredly listened to them talk of things he could care less about as he ate his cheese. An Akuma didnt attack allowing him to spend the whole day with his girlfriend before school rolled around Monday.

School seemed normal, classes went by as usual until a teacher was Akumatized leaving the heroes to jump into action. The teacher threw large and deadly sharp pencils at the heroes as he demanded their miraculous. Ladybug attempted to explain a plan while Carapace shielded from the oncoming attacks. The heroes then jumped into action and took down the Akuma. Viperidae couldn't help but stare when Ladybug purified the butterfly and everything went back to normal. Cat Noir nudged him. "So you like her?" "Ladybug isss pretty great but I think Marinette isss better." Cat Noir gave a look of confusion while Queen Bee scoffed. Rena Rouge grinned widely as Ladybug blushed before clearing her throat. "Great work team!" They fist bumped and went their separate ways to return to their normal daily routine. After school the students met at Master Fu's for meditation. Awkward tension was still between Marinette and Adrien making Fu pull them aside as the others socialized. The old man glanced between them seeing the uneasy look in their eyes. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "The bug and the cat have always been connected. Some in many different ways and you must work your issues out together. Tonight when you go on patrol I suggest you to go together and talk things out... Hawkmoth has been too quiet I want everyone on patrol tonight something doesn't feel right. I can feel it in my bones." They both nodded not bothering to aruge with the grandfather figure that stood in front of him. Marinette glanced at him but he didn't bother to look at her and left to talk to Nino and Luka.

Marinette sighed before Chole tapped her on her shoulder. The blunette girl jumped at first then looked at the bratty girl with a frown. "Look... I don't know why you are acting all depressed and stuff but snap out of it... Boohoo adriken's got a girlfriend... Big deal! He's hot and perfect so of course he is going to have girls." She scoffed and snapped her fingers in front of her face, "You don't see me crying over it... Grow up..." Marinette's mouth fell open at her words before she slung her hair and walked away. Alya was always shocked. "Girl... You just got told by the royal pain herself... You know something is wrong when Chole of all people is right..." The blunette teen shook her then gripped her fist. "I hate to admit it but your right... Chole is right... It's time for a chance... A positive change." She smiled at her best friend then glanced at Luka with a light blush, "lots of changes..." Alya hugged her happily. "That's right girl!" That day Marinette made a vow to find her own happiness with alittle help of Alya and Tikki.

Tikki even suggested Marinette wear some of her knew fashion designers she had created to show off her new ideas and feel more confident by wearing new clothes. Alya keep her distracted from a current blonde along with her other friends. Marinette did her best to keep thinking of all the positive things in her life and put the past behind her. She got tons of compliments on her outfits and people even wanted to buy some of her clothing she hadn't made which led to Alya helping her come up with her own little business. Luka watched from the side lines as he watched Marinette bloom in hee own way, he gave of course continued to give her space but quietly cheered her on and supported her from a distance. "You look great Mari!" Rose called seeing her friend sporting a casual summer pink dress with tiny grey polka dots on it and gray flats. Marinette smiled at her, "thank you." Kagami approched her making her smile fall for a moment. She glanced at her clothes, "you do good work... I need a dress for a dinner party... I've seen your hero inspired designs on your website. I need a Cat Noir inspired dress. do you think you could come up with somethings by next month?" "Oh... Yeah definitely!" Marinette smiled. Kagami gave a nod and walked off. "Even the ice queen likes your desgins! This is great girl!" Alya claimed. "Yeah... I think things are gonna turn out just fine..." The blunette teen replied and smiled at the happy couple in the distance and for the first time her heart didn't ache.

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