It's Time To Tell the World

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As Kristen walks inside their house, she slams the door.  

“ Baby, is that you,?“ Rob calls for Kristen.

Rob walks down the stairs, going to say ‘hi‘ to her, when he sees her crying angrily.

“Kristen, baby… Are you okay?“ he asks while wiping her tears down her face with his fingertips.

“Some jackass just smacked my ass when I was leaving the library.“ She continues: “I know it’s nothing, that these things happen and he was propably just drunk or something, but it just made me so angry.“ She drives her hand through her hair.

“And those tears?“ Rob asks and wipes her tears again.

Kristen shrugged.

“You know what? I’m going to explain that man, that no one besides me is allowed to smack your butt.“ Rob says, gently kisses Kristen’s forehead, grabs his jacket and heads to the door.

“Wait… what?? No no no, Rob… hold on!“ Kristen gets no respond from dermined Rob heading to his car. Kristen grabs her jacket and runs outsider to Rob.

“What are you doing?“ Rob wonders as Kristen is getting to the car.

“Making sure you do not kill him.“ She explains.


A few minutes later outside the library:

“He’s over there.“ Kristen points in the man’s direction.

Rob speeds up and goes to stand up for his girl: “No one is touching my girl’s butt, do you understand?!“

“Yes, I’m sorry.“ The man started apologizing immediately.

“Rob… paparazzi!“ Kristen wals Rob as she gets to him.

Rob looks over his shoulder and sees the black trucks and cameras all over the parking lot.


“Kristen, I’m tired of hiding. It’s tedious and so so annoying. Don’t you think it’s time to finally tell the world about us? I know the risks of showing them the main piece of our privacy, but I want the world to know how I much I love you.“ Rob looks at Kristen and when he sees her nod and smile proudly, he lets go of the man, takes a step ahead to his Kristen and kisses her softly on her lips. After a few-seconds kiss they stop, so they can look in one another’s eyes. A few secconds of staring later, Rob kisses Kristen’s forehead, takes her hand and as Kristen shows the pappz her middle-finger, they head to their car. 

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