|Chapter 1. A very bad day|

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"Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity.". - Hippocrates

ER Doctor Serenity Reyna Fury or just Dr. Fury to everyone else in the hospital to call, was dead tired on her feet.
Of course, the double shift does that to you, no matter how you really enjoy your job.

Because who in their right mind put himself through a least 10 years of tiring, brain-melting studying? You either really love it or you hate yourself.

There is no in between

In a zombie-like fashion, she dragged herself towards the locker room and kicked off her sneakers while groaning out loud when she finally was able to wiggle her sore toes freely.

She craved to do that for the last five hours

"What are you planning to do in your free days, Sera? Planned some hot date?" the voice from behind made her turn around to face short, brunette woman in pink scrubs. Serenity just raised her eyebrow at her in question.

"After four blue codes in the last two hours of my 12hour shift?" Serenity scoffed and twisted her hair into the bun. Or something resembling it.

"Yeah, I have a date. With my bed, my fridge and my shower. You can call it a threesome." She turned around and started to take off her dirty scrubs, wrinkling her nose at the stains on the bright fabric. "And definitely some hot fling with my washing machine."

Serenity batted her friend's hand when the brunette tried to hit her for her smart-assesnes and poked her tongue at the young nurse.

"My gay heart is breaking for you," Arianna "Ria" Emerson exclaimed with mock-pity while plaiting her hair. "But enough about your sad, non-existent life before I am bawling my eyes out for you."
Arianna skillfully turned the conversation away from the doctor's lack of personal life and to tell you the truth, Serenity was really glad for that.

The thing about Ria that she was predictable. Even before she could open her pretty mouth, the dark-skinned doctor already knew what will she say.

The mischievous smile on Ria's face was a clear indicator of that

"I am planning a special date for our anniversary." Ria for extra drama paused and leaned closer to the curly-haired doctor as if she would whisper some high-level secret.

No matter that half of the staff and even patients already knew about her and her wife's date. "Dinner on the beach with her favorite wine and food and me in red lacey lingerie for dessert."

Serenity just smiled at her feeling genuinely happy for her friend. Ria Emerson was a nurse who was one of the first who befriended Serenity when she started her residency here

The outgoing and compassionate and maybe sometimes a little too eccentric nurse quickly became one of the dearest friends. You can count them on your one hand

"Dani will going to jump on you right here at that beach," Sera responded and winked at the shorter woman. Dani was Ria's soulmate-wife, and both of them were the actual embodiment of one true love.

It was almost too good to be true but while many scoffed at the whole idea of soul marks. Serenity was one of those people, of course.
But after seeing the love shared between those two women made the doctor believe in it.

Believe that one day maybe even she will find her own.

The slight tingling under her breasts signalised that they were both somewhere there. Alive

While it wasn't very common to have more than one soulmate but it wasn't unheard of. Serenity Fury was one of those people with two people that will share her life.

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