Chapter 7

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When Jannet entered the room , nothing still seems to be in order. The mess looked still untouched and she saw Darren holding a pig stuff toy and trying to place it somewhere where it would look best but he's having a hard time even doing that simple thing.

He looks like a lazy ,ugly ,dumb sloth ,I swear.. Where did dad even find him..shaking her head and trying to take in what a dumb ass Darren is and in what a pathetic condition he's stuck in, at last she offered help....

"Dude, need a help there?"

"Yea...where should I place this?"

"Forget that...were you trying to find a perfect spot for that stuff toy this whole time.. ?"

"Weren't you the one who told me to clean up the room?"

"Is searching for a perfect spot to place that thing cleaning up?"


"Ughh,I give up..I don't have the strength to argue with you right now...move aside,you useless piece of shit.....
Go and stand in the corner and see how the professional do the work ...."

"He obediently stood at the corner and watched her..."

"Hmmm."..placing her hands in her waist she said,"And that's how you clean a room in 15 minutes"..she gives an applause to herself feeling proud for what she just did..

"And that's how you let someone clean up their own mess" ... And he applauds for himself too..
Is there anything more I can help you with?"..he said sarcastically

"O shut up!!..."

"That means I can take my leave".

" can go...please take out the trash ,will you ? ...thank you..." she says sarcastically still trying to win the conversation

With that defeated look, he drags two trash bags and goes out..

*the next morning at the airport.*

"Who am I searching for?"

"Just look for a girl with orange head..."

"You mean like that girl over there..?"

"Huh?" And she turns to the direction his eyes gestures... And shouts "Amber ,we are here. Amber, Amber!!!!"

"Stop shouting.. Just go to her.."

"O yea, lets go."

When Jannet surprised Hugged Amber from the back..She was startled and turned to see who it was ;her eyes first met Darren's..

"Amber here...i'm here"

In a mono tone she replied, "O, it's you"

"After all this years and just that, i'm hurt.."

Amber smiles sweetly and hugs her back

"Lets go home.Dad's waiting for you."

"He's at home?"

"Stop being so harsh on Dad"..

Jannet takes Amber by her arm and they walked towards the car..then she realises Darren is not with them

"Wait here for a moment. I'll be right back"

While she went back to get Darren she sees him walking like a person without a soul.

"Yo, hurry up....what's wrong with you..? "

It took ages for him to reach where she was standing and they were hardly 10 feet apart.

"What's wrong with you..?"

"What just happened?"

"What do you mean? Did someone do something to you?"

"Huh?"...then he comes back to his senses "O no...its nothing"....

"You're weird..."

Then they both got in the car. Amber was already sitting at the back seat and typing something on her phone...
Jannet tried to be friendly with her sister but Amber replied only with 'um' and some' yes'...Jannet texted her dad informing that they were on their way back home and when they reached home...their Dad was already waiting for them outside ....

'Amber, my dear'

Like always she replied with a monotone and with no expression..'Hi dad'

'Im so glad you're back' then he gave her a tight hug

"Let me carry that luggage for you"...and she lets him..

Darren from the corner thought to himself. "Are they being pretentious or they really don't want this butler-bodyguard to do his job"....confused and feeling awkward seeing a family reunion, he decides to wait outside.... He still cannot believe what just happened to him before...for the first time he was intimidated by a girl..

"I wonder why she seems so dull and moody unlike her sister and her dad..." he said to himself when jannet calls him in.

"No It's fine...i'll wait here.."

Jannet notices his awkwardness and helps him a little...

"You're my body guard. you're suppose to follow and guard me everywhere or else, you know, you're violating the contract.."
With that Darren gives in and follows after her...

Jannet surprises everyone in the room by introducing Darren to Amber as her friend...
Her dad and Darren both shoots a confused look at Jannet and she winks at both of them implying to play along....Her dad joins in and say, ''yes. He is a good family-friend..he helps us a lot''...
Now, Darren is more confused than ever.."why are they doing this to me? I wonder what the catch is?" he thought to himself.

then Amber says 'hi' to Darren

Darren manages to let out a stuttered 'Ha..iii'..

He could feel heat conquering his body and hear his heart beat..
"Fuck!!what is wrong with me. Is this new girl that scary?...I feel like she just grabbed my very soul...."

"Darren, you could join us today to lunch and to dinner"...the dad said

'No, sir...its fine '

"Are you sure?"


"Then,You can have a day break today..."



"Thank you sir, I will be leaving then..."*darren exits*

"Why does he talk so formally to dad? and what break is dad talking about"....Amber asked jannet

"He ahh...he's just being polite.He's always like that and he's helping us with the yard don't worry..."

"its difficult to find a nice guy like him these days"..the dad joins jannet..

Jannet was confused by the tone of her father...

The whole family spent the rest of the day talking with Amber about her life out there and discussing what she missed while she was gone....

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