undiscovered answer pt 3

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I looked at sammie and said ima be fine ,baby and i carried her in the room and smiled.

Amanda sammie said : why didnt you tell me you had cancer i would've supported you and shave my hair ,for you my girlfriend i love you so much (:

Sammie hugged me and she turn her head ,and made a sad face and a tear fell i said baby dont cry at all your so beautiful and smart nerdy and i love you i can tell something is Brothering her she cried and her face shows disappointed

The secret of a life time and shocked .......

Sammie wrote her in notebook and said diary i dont know if i can hide this deep feeling or emotion inside of me anymore i have to tell her i just wish these weeks didnt have to end...

All of a sudden........

I put down the notes tell her dont let it hurt you anymore i agured with myself so many times i know amanda gonna be so mad at me i just know it but my secret is gonna make people treat me different i know it self i dont wann hide from her its been a whole yeah i have to tell her before its to late what do i do you guys

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