Chapter 12: The Best Day.....

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Erik took me to the zoo, best part he carried me the entire time, well until I didn't want to be held anymore.

He piggy backed me over to the lions and bigger animals, "Oh my good look!", I pointed to the big momma lion and got fascinated with it.

"Erik!", I whined.


"Can you take me to the lemonade stand. I wanna buy a lemonade". I said as I rested my head on his back, as he carried me. 

"You mean, you want me to buy you one".

"No I want to buy it myself. Stop buying things for me".

"As long as I live imma buy things for you. Save your money for when I'm not here".

"Where you gonna be?" I spoke. Curious if his answer was going to be stupid or deep.

"Babygirl. Your blonde is showing". He joked and chuckled 

"Nigga I'm black".

"Well you acting blonde! I meant when you out with your friends or whatever and I ain't with you at the moment".  He laughed and I nodded while going.


He carried me over and bought two larges for the both of us, like I was going to need all that. I'm going to have to pee. "Erik, you feed me like I'm a man". I laughed


"You tryna get me over weight?" I laughed

"You chunky enough babygirl. I just wanna know that you eating". I laughed

"I'm always eating, you keep feeding me imma be 300lbs in a minute". I laughed

"Then imma take all 300lbs and bounce it on my dick". He spoke. My jaw dropped, and I was in total shock.

"You so nasty". I laughed

"I bet".

Afterwards we talked to the smaller, less harmless animals. Like little snakes and things. Which when I eyeballed it I made a decision. "Erik I want a snake!"

"No". He said without any hesitation.

"I'm grown! If I wanna snake imma get a snake!"

"So you grown, but your MY girl. And I said no".


"Nope". He said even more aggressive but not to aggressive. Just slight.

"Daka". I whined and poked my lip out. His jaw twitched, and clenched and his fists balled. He loved when I did that, but he hated the fact that he did what I said when I used it. He carried me over and away from the snakes. But that didn't mean my mind was off of it.

I tapped his shoulder signaling that I wanted to be let down. Which he allowed, and I walked around by myself. Just exploring and having fun with my man.

He even tried to grab my hand, and when his hand connected with mines I was shocked, but intertwined my fingers together with his. I smiled at the moment.

Electricity flew through my body at the moment and I enjoyed it. He walked behind me while holding my hand the entire time, being such a cutie.

When I looked back his phone was out and he snapped a picture of our hands. I turned around and he took another picture. He was really adorable, I liked this Erik rather then the vicious Killmonger.

He did say I was safe from him, which I guess was luck. Or maybe because I loved him and he loved me. I thought when we left the zoo that we'd go home, but we didn't. We went to a carnival, which was weird as hell. It was getting dark didn't these things close at night. Usually?

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