Chapter 20: The Third Grows...

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2 years down the line baby Mia was growing, my little 2 year old was getting far to old before my eyes and I was getting upset about it.

I didn't want her to get older, I wanted her to stay the little bitty baby I gave birth to forever, but that's classic mom saying. Still she was getting older and the older she got the more she started to act like Erik.

Actually Erik and I weren't about to invite one of Erik's female friends over. She worked for the gang he runs, and she was a tech person. Erik and I installed cameras ever since bringing Mia home and we needed them checked.

"You wanna meet Amaya". Erik asked his 2 year old daughter.

"Is she bald-headed". Mia asked in her sassy tone. I swear this was Erik's child.

Erik chuckled, "No she ain't bald headed".

"Do she got a cute wig?" Mia asked and I snorted loudly, laughing to loudly to suddenly. "Mommy what's funny?" She was generally curious.

"Nothing baby, nothing". I chuckled I swear this was definitely Erik's child no doubt about it. But she was still a softy like me, something I wish she ain't have, but she did.

She didn't like when she heard Erik yelling, either at his video game or on the phone. She'd cry and ask why he was yelling and it was just how I acted. Well, now I acted when I was pregnant, now I'm good. But I still didn't like when he yelled either.

His girls didn't like it so he avoided it, when he was on the phone he'd take it outside, or if he was playing a video game, he'd close the door to the bedroom so we didn't have to hear. He didn't change his life for us, he just modified it. Which was all we asked for, we didn't want to chance Erik, as the original Erik is what I fell in love with and the original Erik is the Erik that became a father to Mia.

We also in those 2 years actually got married as well. Talk about a happily ever after. Which I never believed before now. Like I said I never thought love was for me, I didn't think I'd ever find a person and fall in love.

I thought I'd die alone, but I was wrong, there is someone for everyone. Even if you didn't see it or didn't believe it. Everyone has a person made exactly for them.

It's just sometimes you just don't find that person, well I was fortunate enough to find mines.

Love isn't about the things I thought it was. Before Erik and I, I'd have issues with relationships for many silly reasons.

I wouldn't date someone because our height isn't good in similarity, or our ages don't quite match up. Things that don't really matter for love at all.

I've come to learn, a 6 foot man can date someone 4'11 if he wants to. Love isn't based on that.

A 35 year old can date someone 18 if they both want to, love isn't based on that either.

Both partners don't have to have everything in common either. That doesn't make relationships last.

It's based on mutual feelings and thoughts on one another. If there is love in the air and it's mutual then have at it. I married a serial cheater and killer, but looks who's been in a relationship with him for 4 years and ain't got cheated on. Nor has he had to murder except that one time but he had to. It was either that man or me.

I would have chose the same thing, even though that person had a family which I know had to take a huge loss, he tried to kill a pregnant woman, he could have picked a better profession. Something less harmful to the innocent people of the world.

My life had evolved from what it ever was and all I could Thank was the man sitting beside me. Laughing with my child, the child we shared. I couldn't have never thought of anything better then this.

Some hours later I found myself sleeping in my bed beside my man. But as I was trying to sleep I got a knock on my door. "Come in". In came my bouncing 2 year old. "What's wrong baby?"

"I wanna lay with you". I smiled and opened my arms for her to come to me. I picked her up and placed her between Erik and I. Erik was a light sleeper so he woke and wrapped his arms around her. Kissing the top of her head, while she giggled. "Dadddy!" She whined

"What? You don't want to cuddle with daddy?"

She giggled of course she wanted to cuddle with him, I turned and faced them both just looking at both the loves of my life.

Kissing the tops of both their heads sending them both back to sleep.

Who knew that playing the player could have lead to this.

It's not recommended but hey, if you can play the player and make him act right, I say go for it. You'll never know how much better your life can be with him.

And that's how my story ends. The Player and the Sweetheart got together and made a family. My life is just how I've always that's CheckMate.

~The End

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