part 3

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4.27 am
Sharon: boooooooooo
Sharon: ilook spookybu t i m reallkj nice
Sharon: at leastnfor now
Sharon: ducebeuirbcouwdncouqnsxoinqx
Sharon: skskkskskskskksksk
Aquaria: wtf
Sasha: she's probably drunk
Sharon: dtnxj
Aquaria: but it isn't a reason to wake us up
Aquaria: plus i had a late gig today so stfu
Sharon: ooooooooiooiooooo
Sharon: spopokoyyy
9.40 am
Raja: okay can somebody explain what was with Sharon last night?
Alaska: so basically she had totally nothing to do so shi invited me and some of our mutual friends to her place and then in a few shots she was wasted
Alaska: btw ur not the only people she woke up
Alaska: I don't think her manager is happy rn
Sasha: okaayyy
Aquaria: next time she'll ask you out please be so kind and take her phone away from her
Alaska: or u can turn ur notifications off
01.48 pm
Sharon: sorry
Sasha: you just woke up?
Sharon: yeaaah

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