Ignoring the Feeling

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Hailey was currently hanging out with PRETTYMUCH at their house. She's known the boys ever since they were found by Simon Cowell. They met up at an LA party that Zion was hosting. Long story short, they all became good friends.
"Yo Hails!" Zion yelled from the couch, making the blonde haired girl look at him.
"Sup Z?" Hailey asked taking a seat next to him.
"Don't sit down!" He whined and pointed at her. "I need the controller, I'm tryna play Fortnite" the boy said making the girl groan.
"You're so annoying" the blonde girl said as she got up to get the controller. Hailey stopped in her tracks when Nick walked by her.
She always had an attraction to Nick, but she always ignored it. She didn't want to ruin a friendship never mind the fact he wouldn't ever like her.
Honestly, he's Nick Mara... why would he like her back? He's talented, can sing, dance, and he's overall just a good looking guy.
"Hello! The controller!!!" Zion yelled snapping the girl out of her daydream. She looked away from Nick and grabbed the controller.
"Hey Hails. How are ya?" Nick asked, making the girl look at him. She didn't want to look at him, due to the Rose color forming on her cheeks.
All the guys called her "Hails", but when Nick said it, it flowed out of his mouth differently. She figured it was due to this little crush she had on him, Her stomach would drop, and her heart would beat fast. She always pulled it off, acting like she didn't have a crush. Although sometimes it can be obvious.
"Ummm, I-I'm good" Hailey said as she walked back to Zion and gave him the controller. "You?" She mummnled, not wanting to continue the conversation.
"I'm doing great actually. Hey Z, can I join?" Nick asked taking a seat next to Hailey. Zion rolled his eyes, really just wanting to be alone with Hailey.
Brandon was out with his girlfriend Ashley, Austin was with Ansley, and Edwin was out with Elise. So at the time it was only Hailey and Zion, until Nick showed up.
"No. Can't you just, go to-I don't fucking know..." Zion started as he started the game for fortnite. He didn't want to be rude to Nick, but he did want some alone time with Hailey.
"Zion what the hell man? I wanna play too" Nick said whining like a two year old.
Hailey sat between the two boys and squirmed. She was a bit uncomfortable being the only girl next to two guys who are both very hot.
"Fine... get the other controller yourself" the taller boy said. He glanced over at Hailey and noticed she was uncomfortable. "Hey..." he said softly, as he pulled her into him.
"Hmm?" The girl hummed, looking up at her friend.
"What's wrong pumpkin?" Zion asked rubbing her shoulder.
The girl looked away for a moment. She couldn't admit it's due to one, being with two hot boys alone and two, being next to her crush Nick.
"Just uh, tired I-I guess" the girl stuttered looking down at her hands.
Zion was about to continue talking, when Nick sat back down on the couch. He glared at the two being so comfortable next to each other.
"Start this game bro coME ON!" Nick said becoming impatient. Hailey looked at the boy, and was curious why all of a sudden he was getting a bit angry.
Zion started the game and the two played Fortnite. Hailey was getting bored watching, and decided to nuzzle into Zion's side.
Zion and Hailey were always called "the couple", even though they weren't even close to being one. Out of all the boys, Zion was the closest to Hailey. Ever since the party in LA, they just got along perfectly.
"Hmm" Zion said, a small smile forming on his lips as he glanced at the girl cuddled up to him. "Someone's sleepy...- NICK WHAT THE-" Zion yelled making Hailey jump. "BRO I JUST DIED THANKS HAILS!" The younger boy groaned and put his head back in anger.
"Maybe you shouldn't be looking at Hails with all loving eyes and yOU WOULDN'T HAVE AN ISSUE!" Nick's voice started to fill with anger as he started to get off the couch.
"Where are ya going?" Hailey asked out softly, making the boy turn to face her.
"Just gonna go outside for a minute" he said and walked out the back door.
Hailey and Zion looked at exchanged glances. The girl took Nick's controller and she smirked at Zion.
"Oh.. you want to try and play? You suck at this shit!" Zion said and Hailey waved her hand.
"If I suck, you suck. You taught me dumbass!" Hailey said pushing Zion playfully.
"Hmm sure" Zion said as he started another game. "Now tell me, what was going on earlier? You seemed so uncomfortable" the boy said and Hailey ignored him and started to play.
The boy looked at her, and watched as she concentrated. Her eyebrows were furrowed together, and she stuck out her tongue every now and then. Zion noticed his cheeks started to heat up as he watched her.
"HA!" Hailey said doing a happy dance. The boy broke out of his gaze and looked at the screen.
"You're a bitch!!" Zion said pouting at the girl. "I only lost because I wasn't paying attention!" He said defending himself.
"Yeah yeah yeah" Hailey said and sat back down next to Zion. The girl looked towards the back door and noticed Nick was punching the wall. "Uh, hold on" she said getting up.
Zion watched as the girl got up to go outside to meet with Nick. He sat there and wondered why he was all of a sudden flustered by this girl. Was he crushing? Did he always have a crush on her? He really didn't know, but he knew something was developing.
"NICK!" Hailey yelled, making the boy break away from the wall he was punching.
"HAILS!" Nick yelled in the same voice, except his was full of annoyance. Hailey walked towards the boy, a bit scared of his angered figure.
"What's w-wrong?" The girl stuttered out. The boy shrugged and didn't exactly know how to explain his feelings.
"I dunno" he said as a sigh left his mouth. Hailey nodded and looked at him in the eyes.
"W-well I-Uh, um..." the girl fumbled over her words. Nick looked at the girl and noticed she was blushing. He smiled softly seeing the tint of red covering her cheeks.
"You what?" He asked stepping closer to her, making her gulp. The girl stepped back, not wanting to be that close to him.
"I-I just- I-ZionandIwantyoubackinsidetoplayfortnite" Hailey said rushing out the words she tried to let out. Nick blinked a few times trying to process what she said.
"Uh, what?" He asked scratching the back of his neck confused. "You and Zion did what?" Nick asked, biting his lip.
"NOOOO! We didn't DO an-anything! You idiot I-I said we want you, back inside... t-to play Fortnite" she said, looking down at the grass now. She didn't want to admit the real reason why she came outside, which was to make sure he was okay.
"Oh" he said, lifting her chin up so she could look into his eyes. "I'll go inside in a minute" Nick said softly, and Hailey nodded.
She walked back towards the door to go inside. She saw Zion was still playing Fortnite, as per usual.
"Hey Z" she said as she laid on the couch next to him.
"SHHHHH" he said placing his hand over her mouth. The girl flipped the boy off, but he didn't notice. She did what she thought would be a good idea to get his hand off her mouth.
She smirked under his hand and licked the palm of his hand that covered her mouth. Zion removed his hand right away as he felt her tongue on his hand. He just looked at her very confused.
"THE FUCK!? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, SIMBA!? WHY'D YOU DO THAT SHIT!?" Zion asked confused as he wiped his hand on his black pants.
      "WELL DON'T PUT YOUR HAND ON MY MOUTH LIKE THAT!" Hailey yelled defending yourself. "And that was gross yo. Your hand is so clammy" she said sticking her tongue out in disgust.
       "Well, they're not getting any better pumpkin. So just get used to it" he said with a small smile.
      Hailey smiled back and laid her head onto his lap. Just as Hailey got comfortable, Edwin's voice ran through the house.
       "LOOK AT THE CUTEST COUPLE ON EARTH! ZAILLLEYYYYYYY!" Edwin sang out pointing at the two on the couch. Hailey rolled her brown eyes, as Zion's cheeks started to heat up. Nick finally came back inside and looked at the two.
      "Aren't y'all so fucking cute?" Nick asked, but his voice was filled with jealously. Hailey didn't realize, she just figured he was annoyed from whatever was bothering him earlier.
       "Thanks, we try" Zion said and placed his hand on Hailey's side. The girl smiled, and put her arm on his.
      They've always been a touchy friendship, but at this moment it made Zion feel different. The difference he felt was something he wished didn't happen. But, he was also grateful that it was happening inside of him.
        Hailey was used to the constant teasing from the other boys, and the touchy feely friendship her and Zion have. It never affected her emotionally. Maybe to a certain point, but Nick was the one who pushed that point to the limit.

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