Mixed Emotions

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        "Hey Zion" Edwin said as he looked at "the couple" on the couch. The boy looked over to his best friend.
      "Sup?" Zion asked the dyed blue haired boy.
       "The FOMO tour starts soon! Are you excited?" The blue haired boy asked, earning a nod from the dreaded haired boy.
      "Hell yeah! Hailey you should come on tour with us" Zion offered at the girl who was too busy playing with Zion's fingers to be paying attention to the conversation.
        "Nah she shouldn't" Nick chimed in, making Hailey break out of her little trance.
       "I shouldn't what?" Hailey asked looking from the brown haired boy to the dreaded haired boy.
       "You should come on tour with us! It'll be so fun!" Zion said and the girl sat up. Nick rolled his eyes at the boy's comment. He didn't want Hailey on tour, it'll only cause more issues than there already is.
       "Hmmm..." the girl hummed thinking if it was a good idea or not.
      "Pleaseeeeeee" Zion whined as he cupped her cheek. Hailey blushed at the sudden touch. Nick walked off to the kitchen, feeling angered by the two's chemistry.
       "Fine. I don't have college so I'll join ya! But uh, how many bunks are in the bus?" The blonde haired girl asked.
        "Six, but the sixth one is for our tour bus driver. He only usually uses it to take naps. But you could use that bunk at night?" Zion questioned, not sure if that'll work.
        "No Z. She can't do that" Edwin chimed in. "The bus driver sleeps in the bunk when we're parked for a day off or some shit" the blue haired boy said.
       "Then maybe I shoul-" Hailey was cut off by Zion.
        "Bunk with me! Not like we haven't cuddled before" Zion said, making a blush coat his cheeks. Hailey was now the one to blush and looked away from the boy.
        "WHEN ARE YOU TWO FINNA DATE?" Edwin yelled excitedly at the two flustered 19 year olds.
        "Shut up" Hailey mumbled as she got up to go into the kitchen. She noticed Nick was standing there grabbing a cup of milk. "Hey Nick can you-" Hailey stopped as she noticed he wasn't going to listen, due to his sudden actions.
        Nick placing the milk back into the fridge before walking out the kitchen. The girl sighed and figured he was still upset about whatever was bothering him from earlier.
       "Fine I'll just jump on the counter..." the girl mumbled as she turned towards the counter top. She got ready to jump up when she saw the tallest boy of PM enter the room.
       "Pumpkin!" Zion called out, and the girl stood there and looked at him. "You know you could've just asked me to get it for ya" he said walking towards her.
        "Yeah we-well I didn't want to bother you and I just-" Zion placed his index finger over the girl's mouth.
         "Shhhh" Zion said softly. The girl giggled against his finger that was pressed to her pink lips. "Want to make this more fun?" The boy asked with a smirk.
        "Oh no..." Hailey said worried what he was thinking. Then a small laugh left her lips. "I don't know if that's a good id-". Before Hailey could finish her sentence, the boy picked her up by her waist.
         She was now facing the cabinet, and opened it as Zion held her up. She grabbed a cup and the boy gently put her back down onto the kitchen's floor.
        Hailey smiled and stood on her tippy toes to give Zion a kiss on the cheek.
       "Thanks Z" she said as she walked to the fridge, with the cup in hand. She was pretty shocked by her own actions. Sure, her and Zion have a cute friendship, but there was never kissing involved.
        Zion couldn't help but smile after Hailey placed a kiss onto his cheek. He looked over at her as she poured some lemonade into her cup. He walked over to her and and wrapped his arms around her waist. The girl tensed up at the sudden action. He giggled and placed his chin onto her head.
        "What was that kiss for?" He asked her above a whisper. Hailey's cheeks turned beat red as the question left his lips.
       "I-I just... um..." Hailey was at a loss for words. Did she just mess up their friendship? Did she make him uncomfortable? Why did she even make that move? "Just, felt right" the girl spoke out softly. She figured it's easier to be honest with him than not to be.
          A smile formed onto Zion's face as the words were spoken. His stomach was filled with butterflies as she said it.
        "Well, I'm glad you did it. Cause I'll admit, it felt nice" he said and Hailey turned around so she was facing him. His arms were still around her waist at the moment.
        "So guy- ZAILEY IS GONNA KISS!" Brandon announced as if it a proposal was about to happen. Right after the black haired boy spoke out, Ashley's footsteps were heard running into the room.
        "SHUT THE FU-ARE THEY?!" Ashley yelled noticing Zion's and Hailey's positions. Zion and Hailey both looked down as their moment was ruined by their friends.
         "Well... if we were going to, we're not now. So thanks guys" Zion said flipping them off. Zion was a bit disappointed that the two weren't going to kiss. The couple, Ashley and Brandon,  exchanged looks and walked out of the kitchen.
         "Hmmm... "if we were going to, we're not now". Interesting Z..." Hailey said before taking a sip from her drink. Zion chuckled and cupped the girl's cheek.
        "I-I meannnn... just to shut them up I just-" Zion was now the one to be cut off by Hailey's finger onto his lips.
        "Maybe when the time is right Z..." Hailey said, and moved his arms off of her. Zion looked at her and his heart dropped.
         He began to think he really fucked up now. Him and Hailey are best friends, they can't just kiss. But the feeling of them being more than that, was bothering him inside. When she placed her lips onto his cheek, it felt so heartwarming to him.
         His heart started to beat faster when her lips were placed to his cheek. He was happier than he's ever been. He just didn't know if Hailey felt the same way.
         Hailey let out a sigh, questioning why she kissed Zion on the cheek. She likes Nick, she can't lead Zion on. For some reason, it felt good to kiss Zion's cheek. She started to question if it was due to just needing someone to love on, or if she really felt something for him.

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