Don't be so Shy

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It was currently July 9th, and all the boys and their girlfriends had to board a plane to Irving, Texas. FOMO tour was about to start in two days, and everyone was excited.
"Z?" Hailey said softly, standing behind him.
"Yes?" Zion asked turning around to face her.
"I don't really like planes..." the girl said and the boy smiled softly.
         "Well I can assure you they're not that bad. I've flown on them many of times. Besides, I'll be there with you" Zion said as he walked up to the lady who scanned the plane tickets.
         Hailey walked behind Zion in the terminal and was getting more scared by the minute. Hailey followed Zion to a seat in the middle of the plane.
        "You like window seats you always told me" Zion said and the blonde haired girl nodded. She made her way to the window seat and sat down. The girl buckled up as Zion sat down next to her. He then facetted his own seatbelt.
        Some random passenger sat next to Zion which he didn't mind. The boy took the girl's hand in his.
       "It's going to be okay" Zion said softly, and Hailey leaned into him. "I promise" he said placing a kiss onto her forehead.
         "What a nice boyfriend you got there" the lady who was sitting next to Zion spoke out.
         "Oh, t-thanks" Hailey stuttered out, her cheeks turning pink.
         "Is he always this protective of ya?" The lady asked and the blonde nodded.
         "We've been friends for about 7 months, and we just started dating. He's always been caring" the girl said and looked at the boy in his eyes. Zion smiled and pecked her lips quickly.
       "Adorable. Have fun in Texas whatever y'all are doing" the lady said before closing her eyes. Hailey looked at Zion who was now the one blushing.
       "Someone get a whittle embarrassed?" Hailey asked in a baby voice and pouted her lips.
        "Oh shut up" Zion said as he playfully pushed her shoulder.
         The flight attendant did the mandatory safety instructions and told the passengers that they were going to be taking off soon. The girl gripped Zion's hand so tight to the point her knuckles were pale white.
        "Babe!" Zion said rubbing the top of her hand with her thumb. "Relax" he said and reached for his phone in his pocket.
        Hailey let out a deep breath and closed her eyes. She held onto Zion's hand for dear life. The blonde looked out the window and watched as the plane bounced up and down as it gained more speed.
        "Here" the dreaded haired boy said holding out one air pod for her to take. The girl took it and placed it in her left ear. Zion started to play a song from his playlist called "Hails🥰". He made this playlist when they first started becoming good friends. He remembers the day making that playlist.
       Hailey was over the PM house for the very first time. She walked in saying hi to all the boys. Zion was playing fortnite as usual.
       "Z!" Hailey yelled making the boy press pause.
      "HAILS!" Zion yelled and ran towards her. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. The girl squealed and laughed.
        The boy started to walk up the stairs making the girl confused.
       "What are we doing?" Hailey asked and Zion smiled to himself.
        "We're gonna share music taste" he said and placed her on the bed.
      "Oh okay" Hailey said as she took out her phone. Little did she know, Zion was doing it mainly for himself.
       "First you send me the songs you love, then I'll listen to them and add them. Then you'll do the same for me, ight?" Zion asked and the girl nodded.
      She sent the boy quite a few of her favorite songs including, "Babylon", "Waste the Night", "Empty Wallets", "When You Walk Away" and "Moving Along" all by 5 Seconds of Summer.
      She then sent him a couple of her favorite Ariana Grande songs, "breathin'", "thank u, next", "bad idea", "break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored" and "bloodline".
       "I'll only send those I don't want to annoy you with my generic pop music taste..." Hailey said trailing off.
       "Oh please Hails, send me more if you'd like. I want to know more about you" Zion said as he opened his Apple Music and named a new playlist "Hails🥰". He added all the songs that she just sent him to that playlist.
       The boy smiled at the memory and shuffled the playlist he made. The first song that came on was "bad idea" by Ariana Grande. The girl started bopping her head to the beat.
       Zion smiled as he watched the girl next to him. He placed a kiss onto her cheek and she looked at him. The boy looked at her lips then back to her eyes.
       The boy leaned in and placed his lips onto hers. The girl leaned in and connected her lips to his. The two shared a living kiss for a few moments.
        "I didn't know you liked Ariana, you don't seem like the person too..." Hailey said truthfully. Zion blushed and unlocked his phone. He scrolled down and clicked on the playlist.
       "I don't exactly like her... but I do have her music in here specifically" Zion said and showed the girl the name of this playlist. She smiled brightly when she read it said "Hails🥰".
       "You made a playlist on your phone for me?" Hailey asked so surprised. The boy shrugged at her comment.
       "Not exactly for you, but for me. It's your favorite songs, and when you get more... ya know, I add them" Zion said and she couldn't help but blush.
       "Z, that is so fuCKING ADORABLE!" Hailey yelled forgetting she was on a plane. Zion looked at her and started laughing. The girl sank into her seat embarrassed.
       "I'm glad you find it adorable" the boy said and the girl smiled.
       "You know what you're doing to me" Hailey sang to Zion as BUWYG,IM shuffled on his playlist. The boy chuckled at her silliness. He watched her as she danced to the music playing in her ear.
       "You say I'm, trippin, and it ain't right, but you without me ain't nice" Hailey whispered into his ear that didn't have the air pod in. Zion bit his lip and his cheeks turned a bright pink.
       "Hails you're making me blush!" Zion said softly and the girl giggled.
       "Good! Now you know how it feels Z" Hailey said nudging the boy next to her.
      The two were fooling around and dancing to music, to the point that they didn't even realize they arrived at the Texas airport.
       "Shit that was fucking quick!" Zion said as he unbuckled, and Hailey nodded following suit.
      "Thank you" Hailey said to Zion and he rose his eyebrow.
       "For what?" Zion asked not understanding why she was thankful.
       "For being you and always knowing how to calm me down. I'm so grateful that I have you in my life" Hailey said wrapping her arms around his waist. Zion smiled and hugged the girl close to him.
        "AWWWWWWW!" Ashley yelled from the seat behind Zailey. Hailey flipped her best friend off, only making her giggle. "I ship so hard. I love them!" The brown haired girl said.
        "More than us?" Brandon asked with a pout.
       "Yeah" Ashley said jokingly. Brandon gasped and put his hand over his heart pretending to be hurt. "I'm joking B" the girl said kissing her boyfriend.
         After what felt like hours, they finally made it to the boys tour bus. Hailey and Zion were the last to walk into the bus.
        "I CALL BOTTOM BUNK!" Brandon yelled and Edwin ran after him.
       "BRANDON! I WAS FINNA PICK THAT BUNK! I guess I'll get the one across from you..." Edwin said disappointed.
        "Make sure Hails gets a bottom bunk, she can't reach the top ones" Zion said with a chuckle.
        "You ass!" Hailey said pushing his chest only making him laugh harder. "Why am I dating you? You bully me" the girl said with a pout following. Zion chuckled and kissed her head.
        "Oh please babe" Zion said and picked her up. "Which bunk? Right or left" he asked holding her up by her waist.
        "Right" she said and Zion walked towards the bunk.
          "Climb in pumpkin" he said and the girl put her hands in the bunk and pushed herself forward. Zion let go of her waist and slapped her ass making her gasp.
         "CALEB ZION KUWONU!!!" Hailey yelled from the bunk only making the boy laugh harder. He got up into the bunk and laid beside her.
         "Why you yelling my full name for?" He asked with a smirk playing on his lips.
       "You slapped my ass" she said slapping his arm making him burst out laughing. "ZION IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Hailey said and the boy gasped for breath after laughing so hard.
         "H-Hails... y-you cracK ME UP!" He said pulling her into him. "You're mine, aren't you?" Zion asked, his voice getting lower. Hailey stared into his eyes mesmerized by the sudden tone change.
        "Mhm" Hailey said, biting her lip.
        "Then I get to show off what's mine" Zion said slapping her butt again, but softer this time. The girl's face turned a beat red.
         "You're something else Z" Hailey said and kissed his nose. "But I'm glad you're mine too" the girl said sliding her hand up his shirt. The boy shivered at the feeling of her hand on his bare skin.
        "Babe, if you turn me on again..." the boy trailed off remembering what happened last week.
         "It's only pay back for slapping my ass twice" the girl said with a wink. The boy whined and slipped off his shirt. "What are you-" she asked and the boy chuckled.
         "You expect me to sleep in my shirt and pants? Babe, you have another thing coming" Zion said as he pulled off his pants.
         The girl blushed and looked away. She's seen him shirtless many times, but never pant less.
         "Don't be so shy baby... you gotta get used to this" Zion said pulling her into him. She faced him and nodded.
        "I need to change too" Hailey said about to get out of the bunk.
         "Do what I did" Zion said with a smirk.
         "Z, uh I can't..." the girl said and the boy furrowed his eyebrows. "I have to take off my bra you idiot! And I'm not doing that here... not yet anyways" Hailey said, trailing off at the last sentence.
        "What if I turn the other way?" Zion asked and the girl nodded.
         "I still need a shirt or something" Hailey said and the boy reached over and handed her one of his shirts. "Oh thanks" the girl said.
         "Mhm" Zion said as he turned around. Hailey looked at him to make sure he wasn't lying. "Just tell me when you're all set" the boy said.
        "I will" Hailey said slipping off her shirt and bra. When she did that, she realized she didn't feel uncomfortable. Maybe because she's known him or so long, or maybe because he wasn't looking? She shook her head out of her thoughts and then slipped on his shirt. She left her shorts on, even though the shirt was down to her knees. "Okay" the girl said and Zion faced back towards the girl.
       "You look hot as fuck in my shirt" Zion said biting his lip. The girl giggled and traced his tattoos on his arm.
       "Thanks" Hailey said leaning her head onto his chest.
        "Thank you for trusting me" he said, referring to the undressing situation.
        "Of course, I have to. If not, I'd kick you out the bunk" she said and stuck out her tongue. Zion licked her tongue making her pull away. "Ewwwww!" Hailey said and the boy chuckled.
        "Oh please! We make out, what's the difference?" Zion questioned making Hailey go quiet. She laid her head on his chest and he rubbed her back.
       "Mmm true. Goodnight Z" Hailey said closing her eyes.
        "Goodnight Hails" Zion said and kissed her head. "I can't wait till you're 100% mine..." the boy spoke softly, hoping she didn't hear him.

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