A Week Late...

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It's been two weeks into the FOMO tour, and they all arrived in Boston last night. Hailey and Ashley were the only girl's remaining on the bus with the boys. The blonde wasn't herself and it started to worry Zion.
"Babe, what's going on?" He asked rubbing the girl's side. The girl let out a sigh and looked at him.
"I'm just a little n-nervous" the girl stuttered out and the boy rose his eyebrow.
"About what?" Zion asked looking into the girl's eyes.
"My period being a week late" Hailey spoke out honestly.
"Doesn't that shit happen sometimes?" The dreaded haired boy asked.
"I mean... y-yeah, you're right... it's just-" Hailey started and the boy nodded.
"I'm sure it's fine and we used protection, didn't- oh fuck we didn't! But birth control will d-defiantly stop it" Zion said, now being the one to panic.
"I hope so, but you're probably right. My period's probably just a little late" Hailey said taking his hand in hers.
"We can't have kids" the boy said and Hailey nodded.
"I-I know Z... with tour, college, and our ages..." the girl sighed softly. "But what if I am pregnant?" Hailey asked and the boy thought for a moment.
"I don't know..." Zion said and the girl teared up and turned away from the boy. It is half his fault, and would be his kid too.
"Zion get up we got to rehearse" Edwin said and Zion got down from the bunk not even saying goodbye to Hailey.
Hailey curled up in the bunk by herself and started crying. She didn't realize her cries were loud until Ashley slid into the bunk.
"Why are you crying?!?" Ashley asked pulling her friend into a hug. The older girl didn't respond, she just cried more into her friend's chest. "Do I have to beat Zion's tall coconut palm tree looking ass?" She asked trying to lighten up the situation. Hailey pulled away wiping her tears that fell from her brown eyes.
"I-I just... I-I'm thinking th-that I could be pregnant..." the blonde haired girl stuttered out.
         "Wait why?" The brown haired girl asked concerned.
         "Ummm because my period is a week late..." Hailey let out a deep breath. She was nervous that she could be.
        "Doesn't that happen on birth control?" Ashley asked not really understanding.
         "Only a few days, no-not a week. And Z-Zion said he didn't use p-protection..." Hailey stuttered out. Ashley sighed and rubbed her forehead.
         "Want to call an Uber and go to CVS to get a pregnancy test?" The younger girl asked and the older one nodded.
         "To help calm my nerves I-I think it's b-b-best to" Hailey said, biting her lip. She didn't want to be pregnant. She could ruin Zion's career, and her life. She's only 19 and she still has to finish college.
         "Did Zion say anything? Like, w-would h-he keep it?" Ashley asked getting out of her bunk and the other girl followed
          "H-he said he do-doesn't want kids..." Hailey said softly, and was a bit upset by that.
          "If you are pregnant, would you, um keep it?" The girl asked before ordering an Uber.
         "Yes I would... and maybe Z would grow to love the kid. But I'm not going to over think anything right now..." Hailey said as they waited for the Uber to come pick the two girls up. The boys were busy rehearsing for the Boston FOMO show, but Zion wasn't all there mentally.
          "Yeah, I'm really tired of being soft spoken" Zion rapped, and totally blanked on the rest. All he could think of was about Hailey and if she was truly pregnant.
          "Z?" Edwin asked, as the recording of "Phases" kept playing as Zion stood there. He held the microphone in his hands, just staring out into the empty arena.
         "Promise you, baby, I'm sober.
Just wait 'til you give in and finally come over. I can't wait to tell you, "I told ya, I told ya, I told ya"" Zion rapped even though he missed 95% of it.
       He sighed and sat down on the edge of the stage. He just wanted to know what would happen if she was pregnant. Would she keep it? Would his career be over? Would they make good parents? The boy let out a shaky breath, and held his head in his hands.
         "Zion?" Brandon asked and sat next to the boy. He rubbed the boy's shoulder and felt his shoulder's shake. "Are you okay?" The black haired boy asked. The dreaded haired boy lifted his head up, and tears welled up in his eyes.
         "I-I'm not bro! I-I really think I-I fucked things up..." Zion said rubbing his eyes.
         "Did you cheat-" Zion groaned at Brandon's comment and cut him off.
          "NO I DIDN'T! It's just... I-I might have, g-gotten her.... pregnant" Zion said softly, whispering the last part. Brandon blinked his eyes a few times trying to process what he just said.
         "What... h-how do you know?" Brandon stuttered out shocked by this sudden occurrence.
         "She hadn't gotten her period i-in a week... I really dON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO BRO!" Zion yelled and Brandon rubbed his back.
          "Just take it one step at a time... also think about her to... she's going through a lot as well is she is pregnant" Brandon said matter factually.
          "You're right... I need to think of her too..." Zion said and stood up.
         Hailey and Ashley came back from CVS and the blonde girl bought five pregnancy tests.
         "Go do your thing. Remember, I'm here for you regardless. Zion better be too or I'm kicking his ass back to Canada" Ashley said with an evil smile, making Hailey giggle.
        "Alright I'll be back" the girl said and went into the bathroom.
         The girl took the tests and put a timer on for 10 minutes. She paced in the bathroom waiting for the results. Her phone went off and she looked at all the results. The girl gasped and tears fell from her eyes.
         She wrapped the tests back up in the bag and threw them in the bathroom's trash. Her breath caught in her chest as she finally knew the results. Now she had to tell Ashley, and maybe Zion....

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