{ Four }

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~ Bianca's POV

~ Adore and I sat talking for what seemed like ages and we had long since fallen into a comfortable silence, listening and occasionally singing along to the songs blasting on her old, second hand record player. It seemed like a dream at first, but we were soon interrupted by a barely audible knock on the door.

 Adore went over to answer it whilst I was left just sitting on my freshly made bed. " TRACYYYY YOU'RE HEREEEE " I hear Adore practically scream out, whilst hugging this... what even is that? a big ball of pink? She was wearing a pink and white checkered blouse with a skirt to match, she had really heavy makeup and long, like, really  long blonde hair that bounced when she walked.

Speaking of, she's literally skipping over towards me, ignoring Adore's many questions. " Hey! my names Beatrice Mattel, but everyone just calls me Trixie " she says rather too enthusiastically, holding out her hand, her fingernails were painted a soft shade of, you guessed it, pink.

" Your last name's Mattel? Like the brand? " I question her, taking her soft hand and gently shaking it, breathing in her sweet scent of baby powder and cotton candy. She starts to reply to my question / sarcastic remark, but I cut her off before she could say anything. " My names Bianca, it's a pleasure to meet you Trixie actually, it's kind of a relief to have someone else to talk to..." Adore rolls her eyes at my remark and playfully punches me in the arm.

" Speaking of other people " I start, " Where the hell is everyone? "


- oh wow look, im alive

im currently risking my pathetic life by writing this in my period 3 and 4 science class so please vote for gods sake

𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 - 𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now