{ Ten }

276 17 2

- Bianca's POV

- I'm awoken from my sleep by the soft voice of Dolly Parton echoing from Adore's old record player. Everything felt peaceful and steady, almost as if I wasn't in an inpatient hospital. Huh, where is Adore anyway? I look over to see her making her stupidly messy bed, slightly humming along to the song as she does so.

"Nice song choice chola" I croak out, my voice still groggy from my slumber, and making the young girl jump, obviously startled by my sudden statement. "Well I kinda figured you'd prefer it on your first morning" She says, nodding towards my pyjama shirt, which is now dangerously close to falling off of my body completely. I let myself laugh, tugging the collar of the old shirt back into place. "How long have you been awake for?" I say, rubbing my eyes trying to wake myself up faster. "Not long at all actually, The morning nurses are all supposed to start the wake up call in a couple minutes, and I din't want them to wake you - When I got up off of you, I spied your shirt, so I thought you'd appreciate this wake up, rather than the nurses one" She exclaims.

She's such a sweet little thing, I think to myself whilst watching her return her concentration back to her still unmade bed. "D-did you, uh, stay with me all night?" I stutter out, regretting it almost instantly. I mean, the question had to be asked at one point or another. "Oh uh, yeahhh, I um - hope that was okay?" I noticed her facial expression change from nervous to a rather playful one as she continued "Well I mean, I DID try to leave, but you just simply wouldn't let go of me" She says with a smug look on her face.

I know what she's trying to get at, so I decide to play my cards. "Are you really trying to tease me this early in the morning Delano?" I say, getting up from the bed and sauntering over to her. She turns to face me & starts to say something, but I soon cut her off by gently directing her chin so that she's looking straight at my eyes. She bites her makeup smudged lip, her eyes dancing with adrenaline and excitement. "I wouldn't try it with me Adore, well at least, not right now" I flirt back with a wink of my eye and a slight grin. I trace my hand lightly down her neck as I let go, walking away into the bathroom without so much of a glance back, leaving her stock still in the middle of the room, The record being long since finished.


- oooo what do we have here i wonder? lmaooo

𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 - 𝐛𝐢𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞Where stories live. Discover now