{ Six }

315 17 1

Bianca's POV

- The knock on the frame of the open door was from a nurse. She was tall, too tall to be exact, and had a name tag that read "Dujour". That's almost as weird as the name Mattel if i'm honest. "Oh my goodness i've never seen all of you girls in the same room at once!" The nurse chirruped over enthusiastically. "I actually popped by to see how Miss Del Rio was settling in, but it seems she's already made some friends!" She aims at me, earning an eyeroll back, not only from me, but from Delano as well.

- "And why do I smell cigarette smoke? That better not be you Ye-Yekatrina" She stutters out whilst promptly butchering the young russian girls name. "For possibly the 10th time, my name is Katya" She snappes back, now agitated, "And do I really look stupid enough to smoke with all of these people slinking around?!" She says as she gestures to all of the nurses poking in the door to gawk at the newcomer ( that newcomer being the one and only me ). "Well i'm sorry to disturb you girls, and Bianca if you need anything or have any questions just come find me okay?" nurse Dujour states before abruptly turning and exiting the room.

- "Aaaaand finished!" Adore pipes up, rather suddenly. "Do you like them?" she asks me, flicking two picture perfect french braids over my shoulders. "Wow, I knew you were playing with my hair, but I had no idea this is what you were doing! They're gorgeous Adore!" I reply back, amazed at how my freshly braided hair felt running through my hands. "Aww, they're gorgeous like you!". Did-did she really just say what I think she said? I sat there, partially stunned not being able to say anything. Just as I was about to pipe up, I hear snickers and giggles from Trixie and Katya on the adjacent side of the room. "Hey! Bonnie & Clyde, care to share what you're not-very-secretly whispering?" I playfully snap at them, "Oh uh Katya and I were just saying how cute you guys are..." Trixie dared reply.


 a ha ha im baaaack! so expect some spam of chapters for some catch up

Comment what you wanna see!!

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